I'm a New York Exile living in the Garden State of New Jersey. My life is full of stories that could never be made up & must be shared.
Monday, December 20, 2010
First, let me explain that I live in a garden type apartment. There are 12 apartments in the building, 1 lower level & 1 upper level, numbered 1 - 6. Each of the 6 sets shares a main door that can only be opened with a key. Not all doors are keyed the same. I am thankful for that. I do not share a door with the Conspiracy Theorist, just with the Rockstar.
The Rockstar moved in just about a year ago. He works random hours & long ones at that. He has 2 rather large dogs. A chocolate lab weighing about 70lbs & a neopolitan mastiff weighing about 110lbs. When he first moved in, the dogs barked for 72 hours straight, non stop. Apparently they are trained to bark if someone goes near the door. Grrreeeaaatttttt. Today, they have been barking nonstop for over 3 hours. I have no idea why. They don't bark when the Rockstar is home. They don't bark (sometimes) when I leave my apartment, but the mastiff does bark & huff at the door when I walk Hailey. Asshole dog.
Some days I just can't deal with it, like today. I want to go down & scream at the dogs to STFU. But you can't rationalize with an animal, right?
Oh, and let me explain why I refer to my neighbor as "the Rockstar". That's because he plays guitar, with an amp, all the time. Well, when he's home. He doesn't play well, it's never a whole song, it's like white noise. Last week, he decided to play at 11:30pm, in his bedroom, with the amp on. His bedroom is directly below mine. Jay & I happened to be asleep. So much for that. Granted, I get that I don't have to get up for work, but Jay does. I actually went downstairs & knocked on his door to turn it down. He was shocked I could hear it. Really, asshole? I also pointed out that the week before, when he decided to play at 2am woke me up then. He was apologetic but still, how about some courtesy. Ironically, when he moved in, he told me he was a quiet neighbor......mmmm hmmm
Welcome to my life.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sleep Talking Jay
It was early Sunday morning, 6am. I was awake, I just fed the kids & was going back to sleep for a little bit. As I was settling down under the covers, I was facing Jay. He picked his head up & turned it & whispered "I know you took a dollar from them". Then he put his head down & went back to sleep. It was funny because he didn't make any sense & he whispered. Usually he's yelling or talking loudly.
Last night I was awake, laying there & his arm shot up toward the ceiling (this happens a lot, I should probably start wearing body armor to bed). In a very sing song way Jay said "mmmmm hmmmm" then in the same tone said "cheeba wabba chooba do". I don't speak that language so I'm not exactly sure what that means. In anyone knows, please share!!!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Let's go back to about 2004, the very beginning. Grimace finally had a boyfriend. Wait a second, I've never explained who Grimace is. Let me digress....
Grimace is the MOST affectionate name I have for my ex sister-in-law. Pretty much she physically looks like Grimace except she isn't purple & has long hair. Sure, some of you might consider that a very mean name to call her. But if you knew her & how awful & manipulative she is, how she lies constantly, well, then you'd think I was being too nice.
Anyway, Grimace was happy she finally had a boyfriend. Now, she didn't get this boyfriend like most people get boyfriends. I'm about to out her on the internet. I'm pretty sure she doesn't read what I write. Honestly, her reading skills are fairly low & I'm being honest. Let me digress again for another moment.....
Conversation between the Succubus, Grimace & I:
Succubus: How do you spell morphine?
Me: M-O-R-P-H-I-N-E
Grimace: You knew how to spell that?
Succubus: Yeah, she went to college.
That, my friends, is a TRUE STORY!!!!
Back to my story....
Grimace had a boyfriend, who became her husband, then ultimately, her ex husband . I actually liked the guy & don't have anything bad to say about him. He was pretty much in the same situation as I was for some time.
See before Grimace & her man "Harry" were an item, they were just friends. Grimace pretended to be another mutual girl friend, "Sheila", of theirs on AOL's instant messenger. So when "Harry" was chatting with "Sheila", it really wasn't "Sheila", it was Grimace. Well, as time passed, "Harry" & Grimace were hanging out. "Harry" told Grimace he was in love with "Sheila" & was going to propose. Grimace had to come clean & when she did, "Harry" told her she was to big to love. She was devastated & I had to listen to her blubber & cry & watch her drool, yes, she drools everywhere when she's a super hot mess.
Somwhere in all this "Harry" decided he did care for Grimace & they dated for a month before they got engaged. I was bent somewhat because I moved here to be with the ex, paid my dues tenfold & I had nothing to show for it, but whatevs....
There was going to be a double celebration, one for the stepfather's 25 years with a vounteer fire department & Grimace & "Harry's" engagement. The party was going to be at the Brownstone, in Paterson, NJ....you know the one, the Manzo's own it as in Real Housewives of NJ. Side note: those people have a lovely extablishment, excellent food & service. I have nothing but good things to say about it.
Don't forget I'm bent. We get there & I knew there was no way I'm going to be able to handle this shindig sober so in the first hour I had 2 glasses of champagne & 5 gin & tonics. No peeps, that is not a typo. When Grimace got there, she was showing off her ring & the ex, the tactful feller he is said "Don't think I'm buying you anything that big". Awesome. I wanted to crawl under the table & die. After the cocktail hour, we went upstairs for dinner, don't forget I'm bent & drunk. I barely ate any dinner.
Here I am, sitting alone at the dinner table, all the rest of the couples were slow dancing & the ex was at the bar doing shots. Great. I don't know which of us is the loser: me being drunk & alone at the table or him for ditching me for his friends. Mind you, I'm still walking to the bar & getting gin & tonics in between all this.
Next thing you know, the DJ is handing out props. He's handing out hats that would resemble the Village People. What did I get?? A big ole feather head dress. That's is right peeps!! I know there is photo documentation of me also, but I do not have any of those pictures in my possesion, otherwise I'd share them. You know I wore that thing for like 3 hours. I refused to take it off, drinking my gin & tonics, going to the bar & telling them "I'm Pocahontas". I pretty much kept telling everyone that. Unh huh, yeah. Not exactly one of my finer moments.
In my defense, any one of you would have consumed alcohol like that under the circumstances. Well, I pretty much had to drink to be around most of that family. There were 4 exceptions to that & they will always remain exceptions. Hell, I think even they drink to be around that part of the family!!!!
I look back now & can laugh about a lot of the crap that went on. Hopefully, you all got a good laugh too!!!
How do I not worry about money & bills? How do I not worry that I don't have a job to earn me more money to pay my bills? What about the non existent health insurance I have?
I suppose I should be thankful I am capable of working, I just don't know what I want to do. 34, er 27 years old & I don't know what I want to do. Good thing I spent all that time & money going to college only to realize I don't know what it is I want to do. Maybe, since I've got the time, that is something I should figure out.
I also should probably be thankful I do have a roof & heat & food. And that I have Hailey & the boy with me. I also have friends who love me not for how much money I make but for who I am. I guess the same goes for family, but I always thought with family it's unconditional ;)
It's Christmas time & I just want to make people happy. I guess that's why I am so worry about visits & parties & gifts. Well I hope people like the homemade kind of stuff because that's what's going down.
Just because I haven't cancelled Christmas for myself doesn't mean I'm entirely thrilled about it. I suppose I will participate still and if people don't like the homemade stuff, don't invite me over next year!
I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping at night. Then when it's time to get out of bed, I can't even muster the energy to do that. I don't want to do anything. I don't want to see anyone, I don't want to talk to anyone, nothing. If you invite me to do something & I say no, don't take it personal because it's not.
See, I still haven't found a job. It's not because I don't look. I don't quite know if it's the economy, my skills/experience or a little of both. I'm so behind on all of my bills & my rent is late to the point where I am going to incur a late fee of $50. I constantly worry all the time about what phone calls I will be getting telling me I owe. It isn't as if I didn't proactively call to work something out. See, because I make some effort, even though the effort is very small, it means I am current & until I get to the point of being shut off, I can't work out a payment plan. How odd is that??
I actually went on the NJ website to see if I qualified for food stamps. Hell, I've been paying taxes forever, in theory, these public assistance programs should be for people who are in my position temporarily but they aren't. I don't qualify for food stamps. The money I make collecting unemployment doesn't cover any of my expenses fully but yet I don't qualify. They way I understand it, $435 a week is too much money to qualify for anything.....wait....I do qualify for one thing. Medicaid, but in order to even get that, I need to have some sort of brain injury.
Now, before job suggestions come in please note that I am signed up with 2 temp agencies, I've posted my resume on careerbuilder.com, northjerseyhelpwanted.com, indeed.com, usajob.com and I also check the NJ Department of Labor website & craigslist.com for jobs. Someone on careerbuilder.com saw my resume & called me for a managerial position. I drove 45 minutes one way for a 20 minute group presentation about a sales job. What a waste. I asked several times on the phone if it was a sales job & couldn't get a straight answer. I'm just very dejected.
With Christmas 22 days away....well....I don't want to participate. I don't have the means to buy presents or even buy items to make presents. I don't want to go to someones house & they have a small gift for me, when I have nothing. I'd rather not go at all. It's not personal to the people, I just feel like if I'm gonna be sad & depressed I'd rather be alone instead of having to fake it.
I just don't know what to do. I'm tired of people telling me it's going to work out, something better will come along, everything for a reason....I get that it will but that doesn't help me right now,at this moment. It doesn't make my bills current, it doesn't pay my rent, it doesn't get me healthy, non processed food groceries. It makes me angry that, in reality, I am a productive member of society & the only thing in place to help me is unemployment.....that's it. What is wrong with that?
Oh & the state still hasn't called.....they are 18 minutes late....
Friday, November 19, 2010
Job-less, still?
Maybe part of the problem is I just don't know what I want to do. That's right. I don't know what I want to do. I know, I've been out of college 10 years. Sure, I've worked as an admin assistant for 10 years. Yes, I'm great at what I do. That's not conceit, it's confidence. I look good on paper, my resume shows it & I'm even better in person.
I have a great personality. I'm extremely well rounded & adaptable. I'm smart & funny. I have great speaking skills & have tons of common sense. I can multi-task well & I have excellent communication skills. I have charm & I have grace. I'm one of those people who has all the extras you look for in an employee. It shows in my experience when you read my resume & it shows when you talk with me in person. I am a good & diligent worker who shows up every day & on time.
So what's the problem? Who wouldn't want me. I'd want me. But here is where I am at.....
I don't want to be an administrative assistant. It's just something I know I can do and I can do it very well. The problem is I don't know what I want to do. I've been trying to figure out what type of job would make me happy. I'm not quite sure. Yes, I do joke about acting, particularly in Lifetime movies, but that's not going to happen. I do know I want to do something fun & that will be enjoyable. I was given advice by someone I worked with that his most wealthy clients started their own businesses when they were at rock bottom. I'm not quite sure I'm at rock bottom & I've been racking my brain to figure out what I love & what I can do to employ myself.
A little while ago, my friend Amy posted a new entry in her blog, Byline to Finish Line. Amy is a wonderful writer who blogs about her journey as a triathlete. Her writing is amazing in the fact that you don't need to be a triathlete to relate. There is something for everyone. Anyone can identify with what she writes and to me, that is what makes her writing amazing!! If you couldn't tell, I admire her a lot & think she makes a great role model for women. You should check out her blog.
Her most recent post Taking, and creating, chances is about that. As she re-posted something a friend of hers had posted on Facebook: Is life about taking chances or finding chances to take, it got me thinking.....
I need to continue to figure out what it is that I want to do. A lot of us do jobs we aren't 100% happy with. It wasn't that I hated my job, because I didn't. I wasn't completely fulfilled. Then I was laid off which was a major shock & has left me slightly devastated. My choices are to continue to seek out a job that I know I ca do but won't leave me fulfilled or I can take the chance & figure out exactly what I want to do and will be 100% happy doing. I know that with the qualities I listed about myself & the fact that I have some other abilities, there is something in all that for me. I just have to figure it out. I have to figure out how to put aside the fears I have & the answer will come to me & it will then be my time to take & create some chances.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Welcome to the Garden State
First, let me just say that the NJ is wonderful. The beaches are nice, the ocean is there, it's just glorious. These are some pictures I have taken while I was down the shore, which by the way, is what people in NJ say. They don't go to the beach, they go down the shore.


The next pictures I'm going to share with you are from Luna Parc. It's a local artist's home, his name is Ricky Boscarino. It reminds me of Beetlejuice. It's lovely & disturbing all at the same time. Luna Parc is only open twice a year & for free. It is Mr. Boscarino's home. He asks for donations, I believe the last request was for glass Mrs. Butterworths syrup bottles, he is/was intending on making a tribute Mrs. Butterworth out of her bottles. I've included just a few of the pictures I took. Feel free to check out the website for Luna Parc. You will not be disappointed!!! I do think *some* of the jewelry is beautiful. Some things, well, as you will see, are for those who have eclectic tastes. The website does have more of the items for sale. I'd love to know what you think!
This is a ring he made
Unfinished Vase which I just loved
And you thought balls could only hang from your trailer hitch!!! You can dangle them from your ears too!!
This is from inside his bathroom. Everyone who visits Luna Parc asks what you think about the bathroom.
My next set of pictures are from the Camden Aquarium. I do believe Camden has been referred to as the murder capital of the US. Anyway, the Aquarium is really nice. It's right across the water from Philadelphia. Jay & I had a really enjoyable time there, worth the ride!





My last set of pictures are from local hikes I've taken. Most have been in Stokes State Forest. I prefer to hike in the spring & fall. Less bugs, better temperatures, just nice all around.









That concludes my photo documentation of some of the great places in NJ to visit. I have learned to love NJ, a lot. I don't think I'd ever move away from here. Don't get me wrong, I do not forget my roots & there are some things I say or do because they are what make me who I am. I've now become a blend of one person, from one great place, now living in a new great place.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Sleep Talking Jay
I never know when Jay is going to talk in his sleep. I don't think I can correlate it to anything. Last night he kept mumbling "mmmm hmmmm" over and over again, I don't know why.
Last night, however, Jay didn't quite mumble. I'm actually kind of surprised the neighbors didn't hear him.....through the walls & closed windows".
I'm not quite sure of the time, I just know I was asleep, in the deep sleep kind of sleep, no less. I was woken up to Jay, screaming at the top of his lungs "THAT'S NOT THE AMERICAN WAY!!!!!" I jumped, the poor cat jumped, it was awful. He was very agitated & mumbling he would show who ever the American way, swinging his arm around. I tried for some time to calm him down by rubbing his back & shoulder. I would say this went on for a couple of minutes. He finally settled down & went back to sleep, well, I don't think he stopped sleeping, he stopped talking. My heart was racing because I was scared out of a deep sleep.
I laugh now, but when it's happening it's not so funny. Hopefully, you all get a laugh!!
Thanks for reading!!
Friday, October 15, 2010
My Loves


Let me tell you about the boy. He does have an actual name. I'm not sure if anyone knows it. I started calling him "boy" because he can be bad & when I yell at him, it's just easier to say "boy". You kinda have to say "boy" like Foghorn Leghorn says "boy". Anyway, his actual name is Cricket. I named him that because at times, he gets in this very relaxed, baby-like state & his purr turns into a chirp that sounds like a cricket. I got him on December 2, 2005. He loves to drink out of the bathroom faucet as he loves water, a lot. He hangs out on the edge of the tub when I shower, sometimes he peeks in. If I take a bath, he will stick his feet in the water. Crazy cat. I do call him Pookie Bear, Bear Bear & Tinky Bear, but mostly boy.
The boy is extremely snuggly. More so than a lot of cats, I think. I mean, whenever I sit down, 3 seconds later, he's wrapped around my neck, snuggling & looking for hugs & kisses. He loves kisses. He will tip his head back for them. I will kiss & kiss & kiss him then ask if he wants more. He always wants more. Every night at bedtime, we snuggle & hug & kiss & he makes his cookies until he's ready to sleep & then he curls up against my back. I love how soft his fur is.
Anyone can come over & pick him up. He's extremely socialized. The only thing he hides from is the vacuum. He does the all the talking for Hailey and himself. He's super vocal. Vocal to the point where I know what sounds he is making for food, trouble, bugs, you name it. You can have an actual conversation with him when it's meal time. I think the funniest sounds he makes are when I walk Hailey. Since I got her, he will cry (scream) for her, out the windows until we come back in. He waits & watches then runs down to the door to greet her, not me, her. Now, that my neighbors know why he screams out the windows the way he does, they laugh. It's pretty comical.
When it's time for breakfast, when we are all sleeping, he starts yelling from where my kitchen table is at & comes racing through the bedroom, across the bed, hoping to get me up. No discretion. When that tactic becomes ineffective, he wakes Hailey up. Yes, he wakes her up. He gets in her face & meows at her until she actually gets out of bed. He knows that's when I will get up. Smart huh??





My girl Hailey.....I love her. She's such a sweet & happy girl. My white boxer. She and the boy were meant for each other. When I was thinking about getting a dog, I didn't know how he would be. I had my friend Heather bring her dog by to see how the boy would react, he ran upstairs. When I had my home visit from the boxer rescue, he ran upstairs but when I brought Hailey home, he never ran away from her. It was love at first sight. Ironically, I got Hailey exactly 1 year & 1 day after the boy on December 3, 2006.
Biologically, Hailey is a few years older than the boy. You'd ever know she was almost 9 years old by how she behaves. Boxers seem to have a lot of energy.....always!!! She gets so wild sometimes throwing her toys through the air, you always have to be on guard or you might get taken out by a flying duck!! She does have a lot of toys, but she plays with every single one of them. Depends on the day & what she feels like doing. Some days it's just squeaking, some days it's shaking and chewing.
Hailey has a lot of names too. I call her: Haileysaurus, Stinkasaurus Rex, Jealous Judy, Josie Grossie, Moosey Lucy, Horsey Harriet, Prettietht Printhess (think lisp) & Hailey Bear. Some of my real life friends know that Hailey doesn't exactly run like a dog. She hops. I've been trying to get video of it. It's very funny.
Poor Hailey has quite a few problems. She has a lot of allergies. She's allergic to beef & chicken, wheat, corn & soy, grass, ash trees & the yeast her own body produces. When I got her she was a hot mess. Her surrender owners just gave her prednesone & she ballooned up to a hefty 62 pounds. She's now a lean & trim 47 with me. She was also supposed to be adopted with her brother, another white boxer who is deaf. She was supposed to be his hearing dog. Anyone who has met Hailey knows her attention span isn't very long. It didn't work out so well. She knows a few hand signals, which I have kept up with her & I think she's pretty content on being the only dog. Now that it's just been the three of us, it's become apparent to me that tension aggravated some of Hailey's issues. See, she also has anxiety. I don't medicate her for that, she's on some heavy duty meds for her allergies so I leave my TV on for her when I'm not here. She likes the Food Channel, especially Paula Deen.
Aside from her issues, did I mention her breath that smells like sewage?? Yeah, it's that bad, Hailey really is a special kind of dog. Even when she doesn't feel well, her nub (tail) still wags in happiness. She is always happy. Everyone is her friend and she just loves little kids. She has bad allergy days where she is extremely itchy, which then gears up her anxiety but we work with it. I tend to worry about her a lot, she's been having these weird shakes lately. Twice they've knocked her down. I'm concerned she's starting to have seizures. She's developing cataracts & who knows what else. I love her very much & I'm glad she's the one I rescued.





Those are my babies & I love them so much. I wish everyone could know just how wonderful they are. They bring so much joy to my life. Maybe this will inspire you to rescue any kind of animal, or to come visit me & mine!!
Oh, by the way, I have another love I want to share with you. I might get in trouble for this, but I'm willing to risk it.
That's Jay :) He's the nicest boy ever & he came along in my life when I could truly appreciate him and the kind of guy he is. Our lives are made up of experiences, good & bad & those things make up who we are. I can happily say that Jay is one of the great experiences :) Plus, he loves Hailey and the boy & I know for sure they love him.
Thanks for reading!!!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Hiding Behind A Smile
I am more worried about not being able to find a job. It's been just over two months since I last worked. Yes, I look, regularly & I have been on interviews. I'm either over qualified or under qualified by a smidge. It's starting to take it's toll on me physically & emotionally.
I have been exercising pretty regularly to relieve my tension. I don't think it's working. My shoulder has been killing me, honestly I can't say for how long. I thought I slept funny but it didn't go away. When I woke up one morning & realized I couldn't fully relax my shoulder I figured it was tension. After I lifted weights last week, it felt better, not fixed but less painful. Right now the pain is going up into my ear drum. The pain did run down into my chest but that's subsided. I know my shoulder pain is directly related to....
My stress and worry over not having a job. My bills are all behind except for my rent, car insurance, renter's insurance & my credit card. When I did have a job, things were tight, but I always got by. Now they are tight to the point where I've had to ask for help. I hate that. I had to defer my student loan. Most of it has been paid off and I had to defer it. It was very painful to do that. I'm just so disappointed and I don't know if it's with myself or with the economy or something else.
I'm questioning if it was right for me to actually go to college, I mean, I am paying for a degree (still) I haven't really used. I don't have any special job skills I can fall back on. I feel at a loss lately. Like I don't know what to do. I know everything happens for a reason and everything will work out but sometimes I wish I could just catch a small break. I'm a really good person. I'm a good worker, I show up on time, work all day, I don't call out fake sick, I have great qualities, I think I'm the employee most employers would be pleased and impressed with. But lately, I feel like I have gotten a bad deal.
I'm just in a funk and a bit envious of the people who "work" the system or people who aren't deserving of anything, have lives they don't appreciate. I'm not saying I'd like to be one of those people, I'm just saying I'd like to have a job & be appreciated for what I am worth.
It's very hard not to become dejected very easily. It's hard not to doubt myself and my abilities and my choices. Some days it's hard to get out of bed.
I always used to hide behind my smile so people didn't know my unhappiness with my life. I feel like I've been doing that lately. Hiding behind my smile. This time it's for different reasons. Before, I never wanted anyone to know how sad & lonely I was in my marriage. This time it's different. Now, I don't want anyone to know how scared & alone I feel. That I wonder if things are going to implode.
I'm going to look for some more jobs to apply for. I will be going to a job fair tomorrow. I'm hoping maybe something turns out. I will keep my fingers crossed.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
*Insert Emotion Here*
When you're a kid, it's hard. Granted it isn't adult hard, but it's still hard. There are cliques, in-crowds, whatevers. It's hard to find where you fit in. No one wants to be left out. Everyone wants to be liked & everyone wants to have a friend. Someone they laugh with, have fun with, share things with. I mean, who doesn't want that? As you get older, things change. You have fewer friends but you are close with them. You choose them because you laugh with them, have fun, share things, confide in each other. I believe we need friends to exist. They make our lives better.
Recently, I've had some doubt cast. I have parted ways with someone I considered a friend. Someone I've confided in & who has confided in me. About a lot of things. Maybe it was naive on my part to assume that the things we confided in each other would stay with us even though we might not speak, but I assumed wrong. What is that saying? When you ASSUME you make an ASS out of U & ME? Something like that. Anyway....
It was never my intention, nor would it ever be to go back to the people that were complained about & tell them was had been said about them. It's stupid & immature & really, what would be the purpose? I can tell you the same courtesy was not offered to me. Why? I don't know. I found out in a roundabout way, but was asked not to say anything. See, this person, by not being a good friend, could have possibly jeopardized some future (income earning) endeavors for me. Ironically, the person I found out from, does not want to me to say anything to anyone. That person doesn't want to be involved & distanced from the situation. It's just a mess where I feel like someone can say crap to someone else but the person who told me has said to let it go. So I feel like there is no defending myself. It feels like my past all over again where I just allowed people to treat me like crap & I never did anything about it. I don't like it.
I didn't sleep much, I spent a lot of time wondering if my friend was ever really my friend. I think I know the answer & I'm pretty sure it's a no. Oddly, this person is wondering why I won't speak with them. In light on what I have found out, really?? You wonder??? I just merely parted ways, a reason, a season, a lifetime. I never had intentions of being negative, sharing things that were said, we just go our own ways. I'm very hurt that the same courtesy wasn't afforded me.
I suppose I'm feeling Cornflower Blue. It's not quite blue, not quite gray.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Sleep Talking Jay
Me: Do you remember what you were dreaming about last night?
Jay: Oh boy. What did I say?
And then the conversation continues. Before I get going into some of Jay's ramblings, have any of you ever see the website Sleep Talkin' Man? You can check it out here. It's really very funny & my friend Heather showed it to me a while ago. I shared it with Jay & of course he thinks it's funny too.
I didn't get to ask Jay about what he was dreaming about last night, I was extra sleepy plus it was dark & pouring rain & being under my covers was more important. Plus, I don't remember much of what he said. Sometimes he just mumbles about things.
I've learned to watch how I respond to him. Jay has this very weird way of being coherent. I can get up, go to the bathroom, turn lights on, feed Hailey & the boy, record Jay snoring (to prove in fact, he does snore), play on my phone, yell at Hailey to stop scratching & Jay isn't disturbed at all. As in, he doesn't hear/see/feel any of it. But.....if I whisper, barely audible, asking him to roll over he hears me, will tell me ok on occasion & roll over. Weird & very funny.
Sometimes Jay talks in the middle of the night, sometimes it's as he's waking up. There have been too many times as he's saying something as he's waking up where I say: "What?!?!" and Jay realizes he's said "something" & will tell me never mind.
So, without further delay, let me share some of Jay's ramblings with you!!!
I have two very vivid memories of his waking "rambles".
1. Putting those lamps on end tables, and my most favorite one:
2. Don't forget to try the home made mayo.
We have a running joke with that last one. I believe I even sent him a recipe to make home made mayonnaise!!!!
Then we have Jay's middle of the night ramblings. Sometimes he's animated too. THAT is a lot of fun. Like the time he elbowed me in the chest then started slapping me with both hands as if I were on fire & he was trying to put it out & didn't stop until I told him I was ok.
One time he was talking about ordering steel rods & sheet metal ( I imagine this had to be work related) and he had his arm straight up in the air & was swinging it around.
Another time Jay was mad, I mean the kind of mad that makes your voice shake & you know tears aren't far behind. In all the time I have known Jay, I have never seen him this angry. He was yelling: Shit, shit, shit, fuck fuck, shit, fuck.....etc.
I think he was having a conversation with my friend Stacy one time (in his sleep) and they were discussing green yarn. He was telling her to hang on, he had to figure out how much & he sat up on his elbow & proceeded to figure out how much green yarn was needed. He actually looked as if he was figuring it out on some scrap paper!!!
Just recently, Sunday night, he was talking about putting something underneath some wire & I could hear him rustling on the night stand.
My most favorite night was when he told me "I got it, I'm telling you I got it, just give me a minute" and he rolled over, opened his night stand drawer & rummaged around in it. He then rolled over and "showed" me something and said "see, I told you I had it!!"
Now, I don't know what he had, if he had anything at all but in the morning stuff was hanging out of the open drawer.
I should keep a pad next to me at night so I can write this stuff down. I know there is more & right now I'm working off my memory.
As I get more, I will share with you!!
Any of you have sleep talking sleep partners????
Thanks for reading!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Wits End
It was rainy & cool. I was home with Hailey & the boy watching TV when my doorbell rang. That's weird, I wasn't expecting anyone. So I went down to look through my peephole. Great, it was the Conspiracy Theorist. WTF?? Now, just to note, there are 6 apartments in each building. Every 2 apartments share a main door so there are 6 doors which need keys to get in. None of the doors are keyed the same & for the 2nd time living here I am thankful for that.
My fearless Hailey who normally runs down the stairs with me, is watching from the top. Good girl, way to protect your human. So I open my door & crack the outer door. The Conspiracy Theorist asks to use my phone, he invited a "friend" over but doesn't like him anymore & wants to call the police to have him removed. I told him to tell me his name & I would call the police for him. I shut the doors, lock myself back in & come up to call the police. I don't dial 911, I call the main dispatch number. This is how the conversation went:
Police: Hardyston Dispatch, what's the nature of your call?
Me: Hi, My name is Elizabeth, I live in Carlton Village, in the Stockholm building. My neighbor has a friend over but wants him to leave & he won't. He wanted to use my phone to call you but I'm not comfortable with him or him coming into my apartment so I'm calling for him.
Police: What's your neighbor's name?
Me: John ********
Police: Yeah, I can understand you not being comfortable, we will send someone over.
Me: Thank you, my apartment is 5N if the office needs to speak with me.
Police: Thanks for calling.
Now, the police arrived rather quick for a non 911 call. In the 5 minutes it took for the to get there, the Conspiracy Theorist rang my doorbell again. I told him that I called & they were on their way. Mind you, if there was an emergency, no question, I would call. But the Conspiracy Theorist needs to get better friends or his own phone to handle that crap.
I happened to walk Hailey, like 2 hours later, in the rain & the police were still here, 2 cop cars. I saw the "friend". He looked dirty & ragged & had a push cart filled with stuff & a pile on the ground. I can only imagine how much beer he offered the Conspiracy Theorist for a place to stay & it wasn't enough so they got into a fight. All of us in the building know the Conspiracy Theorist either stays up all night drinking or starts very early in the morning or just never sobers up. In any event, he always reeks of beer.
If you want to come visit sometime, I can pretty much guarantee you will see something!!!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Anyway, I've been in a funk, worried about my income & surviving. Yes, I'm collecting unemployment but it isn't as much as my income was. So far things have been working out, but don't they always??
I worked on my resume & thought it was pretty good. I sent it out for some opinions & got some back. Well, I learned of the career centers that the local unemployment offices in NJ have. I met with the NICEST & most HELPFUL woman yesterday. Her name is Dianne & she is just wonderful!!! I sat with her for an hour, going over my resume. She gave me helpful tips & changes to make. Things on how to make my resume stand out compared to others, to make it "pop" as she said. I left the career center feeling good about my self, validated. She gave me a contact at a temp agency as well, someone who has done very well by her.
Next week, I will be taking advantage of a PROS class. There is also a career fair in October I will be going to. Plus, the career center also offers computer classes on refreshing, updating or just plain on gaining skills. Know what this all costs? NOTHING!!!!! It's all FREE!!!!! Can you believe that? I don't know if other states offer services like this, but NJ does. I'm very happy. People who want to help me get a job!!! YIPEEEEE!!!!!
So while we all complain about the things we dislike in the states we live in, I am thankful I found out how great the career centers are. If I wasn't laid off I may never have found them.
I e-mailed Dianne my resume after I worked on it for a few hours today, it did take me some time to rework it. It's also very difficult to talk about yourself & all the great things you have to offer. I had to look for a lot of the "right" words today. I also thanked Dianne for her help & how I feel so much better. Her response was: Thanks, but that's what we do here. People, who work for the State of NJ actually modest AND willing to help others.
Also, for those of you who are employed or unemployed voluntarily, you can take advantage of the career center's services. They are not just for people who are collecting unemployment. Isn't that something!!!!! Where ever you live, be sure to check out your local career centers. You'd be surprised to find out how any resources there are out there!!!!
Today, I'm proud to be an Honorary Jersey Girl!!!
Thanks for stopping by!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Vacuum Incident
I tend to injure myself, often, in odd ways. Major paper cuts on manila folders, lots of knife wounds, slicing my knuckle on my mandolin, breaking my toes while curling my eyelashes, you know, odd ways. Jay says I need to get some chainmail gloves to help protect my hands. He has also told me I need welding leathers or leather gloves when I bake as well since I burn the backs of my hands, knuckles or forearms when I use the oven.
Well, the other day I was vacuuming my furniture & was using an attachment on the hose. I was reaching and stretching & it was a bit tough, I needed a bit more reach so I picked my vacuum up which is rather awkward to hold up as I was reaching. I got the idea to read the vacuum on the top of my foot. Very quickly I got a hot, burning sensation on my foot. I moved the vacuum & didn't see anything but a red spot, & man, did it sting!!! I kept right on vacuuming to get finished so I could shower & relax. I texted Jay to tell him I think I burned the top of my foot with the vacuum. I got a text back asking how burning the top of my foot is even possible.....with a vacuum. So I explained it to him. I told him I would show him when he stopped by. I took my shower & wow, was the sting awful!!! I didn't see much there.
Needless to say, I have two open wounds on my foot & it's very, very swollen. You see, I have one of those vacuums where when the hose is in use, the brushes on the bottom DON'T STOP SPINNING!!!!! I don't even have the option to turn the brushes off. So yes, I brush burned the top of my foot with my vacuum. I even have photo documentation for you.
It's actually quite painful when I shower. I have been keeping a bandaid over it to wear shoes. It's quite possible I may be the only person you ever know or read about who has been injured by a vacuum cleaner.
Elizabeth :-D
Friday, August 27, 2010
Character Introduction!!!
I happened to be watching the TV show "Everybody Loves Raymond" & every single time I watch it, Marie, Ray's mother reminds me of the Succubus. Not visually, but her personality, her antics, the way she speaks to people. It makes me laugh but also gives me anxiety. Weird, I know. But that's how the Succubus is & will always be. Eleven years I tolerated that woman. It took me a long time to learn to stand up for myself & I never had the chance to stand up to her. I should have realized what was to come on Mother's Day in 2001. Yeah, I'm still holding a grudge. This is near the beginning of when I was starting to learn just how effed up these people are.
Let me set the scene for you: The Succubus had mentioned how she always wanted a Movado watch. The one with the leather band, with the diamond at the top. I wasn't familiar with fancy named things, life where I grew up wasn't like that. Anyway, she mentioned that to me & I filed it away. At my old job, my boss had a client who had given him tickets for a jeweler's show which allowed those who attended to get expensive watches at an extreme discount. It was just before Mother's Day & I had an idea. How about the Ex, The Step-Father, Grimace (her explanation will come at a later time) & I chip in together & get the Succubus the Movado watch she's always wanted. I was being the kind & thoughtful person I always am. Anyway, they all agreed & the Ex & I went to the jeweler's show. I was pretty excited over my thoughtful gift. Let's skip ahead to Mother's Day.
As she's opening her gifts, because it was always ALL about the gifts, she getting ready to open the joint one. I'm excited because I know she's about to open something she's always wanted but never thought she'd have. Here we go!! She's about to open it!!!!
Succubus: Movado, what??? (opening box). You guys got me a Movado watch!!! Wow, but oh, I really wanted one with the diamond at the top.
Me: (trying not to sound dejected & devastated) Movado has never made a watch with a diamond at the top, it's always been a silver dot.
Succubus: Well, I guess this is ok.
The ignorant bitch that she is didn't even know how the watches have ALWAYS been made. I asked the girl at the Movado counter about the "one with the diamond" & she set me straight which how I was able to explain it to the Succubus. Instead of responding in the polite manner I did I should have said: "You ungrateful, unappreciative ignorant c u next Tuesday (spell it out people). You didn't even know what you were asking for, you just cared about a name. You're lucky anyone even considers anything you want, bitch". But I didn't.
Eleven years of shit like that. Her extreme passive aggressiveness, talking about people behind their backs, being nice to their faces. It got to a point where she stopped really speaking to me. It's pretty funny & petty. Like to hear it?? Here it goes....
The Succubus' birthday is in October. We had planned, as a family to take her to dinner & celebrate, with presents, because it's always about the presents. Well, I went & bought her a lovely pair of earrings to match a bracelet she had & a Wizard of Oz figurine. The Ex didn't do it, I did it. He did call her to wish her a Happy Birthday, which, I thought when you're married situations like that one spouse = both. I mean, he never specifically called MY mother. Anyway, we had dinner, cake & presents, don't forget the presents & to me I assumed everything was splendid. Apparently it wasn't, for 6 months it wasn't. Who knew??? See, I didn't get a birthday card from her 6 months later, my birthday is in April. It took until May when the Ex called her to find out why I never got a birthday card. Guess why? Because I didn't call her & wish her a Happy Birthday direct from me to her on her birthday. I swear to God THAT is the absolute truth. Those were the words she spoke to the Ex. It made me laugh, a grown, 55 year old woman behaving like a child.
So, if any of you have ever watched Everybody Loves Raymond, you know who Marie is & I swear who ever developed her character must have know the Succubus.
Enjoy, I know I do!!!
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's good I've been so active in my kitchen. I'm working on something, business-ish. More to come on that, just at a later time.....
My recipe for you tonight is for Double Coconut Cream Pie. My sweetest, Jay, is a big fan of coconut & his birthday was August 19th. We celebrated his 72nd birthday with some presents, dinner & something coconuty for dessert. It was this pie. Every day he has a piece he tells me how much he likes it. Thanks Jay!!!
- 5 cups sweetened flaked coconut
- 7 tbsp unsalted butter
- 1/2 cup chocolate chips
- 2 large eggs
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 cup all purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
- 2 cups whole milk
- 3/4 cup heavy cream
- additional sweetened flaked coconut, toasted, optional
1. Preheat oven to 350*F. Mist a 9-inch pie plate with cooking spray. Place 3 cups coconut in a bowl. In a pan, melt 5 tbsp butter. Stir butter into coconut until moistened. Press mixture into bottom and sides of pie plate. Bake until crust is a deep golden brown, 25 to 30 minutes. Check often - if edges are browning before bottom, cover edges with strips of foil. Transfer crust to a wire rack. Sprinkle chocolate chips over hot crust & let stand for 5 minutes, until melted. Gently spread chocolate over bottom of crust. Refrigerate crust for at least 10 - 15 minutes.
2. In a bowl, whisk eggs, sugar, flour and vanilla until smooth. Warm milk in a pan over medium heat until nearly simmering. Whisking constantly, slowly pour hot milk into egg mixture. Return milk mixture to pan. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until mixture begins to boil & thickens enough to coat back of a spoon, about 5 minutes. Remove from heat, stir in remaining 2 cups of coconut & 2 tbsp of butter; let stand 10 minutes, stirring occasionally. Pour custard into crust. Cover with plastic wrap, pressing directly against surface of custard & chill completely, about 1.5 hours.
3. Using an electric mixer, beat cream until stiff peaks form. Spread whipped cream over custard swirling decoratively. Chill pie for 30 minutes. Sprinkle with toasted coconut, if desired.

That is a picture of the finished product!!! It is so delicious!!!! The thin layer of chocolate over the coconut.....OMG......so good like a coconut cluster!!!!
- To toast coconut preheat the oven to 325*f, spread coconut in a thin layer & stir every 5 minutes until toasted.
- I sweetened my whipping cream with a tablespoon of confectioner's sugar. I also chilled my metal bowl & beaters.
I hope someone tries this recipe!!! It really is quite easy & very delicious!!!!!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
There are two things I am obsessed with: the whiteness of my teeth & that my eyebrows are perfectly groomed. By the way, I don't judge people by their teeth but I do make an assessment. Just kidding!!! Anyway....
I have my own hot waxer. I figured it would be more cost effective to do regular maintenance on my own & leave the shaping to a professional. I pluck the dark hairs that grow in everyday. I do have a lot of blond hairs that also grow but they hurt way too much to pluck them out so I wax them off. Genius, I know.
One day, a few years ago, I was really mad at the ex. I mean fuming, furious mad. I don't remember why. I had my waxer on, ready for me to wax. I planned to touch up BEFORE I was so mad. So I start, I do the left side, everything is ok, lookin' good. I do the right eyebrow, underneath my eyebrows gets waxed twice. I also reuse my muslin. Well, I put the wax on the second time, closer to my eyebrow & pressed the muslin on. I pull my skin tight & rip.......OH SHIT!!!!! OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!! In my anger, I forgot to fold the muslin in half so the wax I previously pulled off was pressed into my actual eyebrow. I know had a hunk of hair missing in the middle of my eyebrow. Sonofabitch!!!!!!!
I finish waxing, all the while I'm trying to figure out what to do. I clean up & the ex gets home. I get in his face, remember I'm already angry at him, & ask him if he notices anything wrong with my face. He says "yeah, part of your eyebrow is missing". That's right asshole, because you mad me angry, so it's all your fault!!!!
I found a brown eyeliner pencil, used that to fill in. I had to carry it around with me for a couple of weeks while waiting for the hair to grow back. I had a tendency to wipe my brow & wipe my partial brow off. I managed to survive, but it wasn't pretty.
So, my PSA for today is: Never wax anything when angry, it turns ugly.
Have a great day!!!!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Apology to Jay
I've done nothing but think....I've had a lot of time on my hands. I need routine & structure & haven't had getting up & going to work to provide that. So I think. All day long. I over analyze everything. I can't stop it. My brain is constantly going, I can't shut it off. I'm getting into the habit of going to the Y to provide some of that structure, but don't think I can be there for 8 hours. The gym was my place to clear my head & think. I purposely don't bring my phone with me so I can do what I need to in peace. But I think. Panic comes on & I gasp, fight to hold back tears while I exercise & think. I have been over analyzing everything & anything that fires through my neurons. It's horrible & I would like to know how to control it.
My gut was telling me something wasn't right for months. I was asked to trust certain people, things were moving forward. All I had asked for was to be told if things weren't going to work, please let me know, please give me some time to prepare, find a job so I wouldn't be left without one. I was assured my job was secure and that, yes, I'd get the heads up should I start looking. I had been working diligently, I was told I have to prove I wanted to be there. I had everything in order, neat & tidy. I was asking for more responsibility & it was being given to me. We were a team, we discussed things as a team. Except for this. Apparently 4 days before I was told I was being "laid off", it was discovered that there wasn't any money left, not because of the economy, because of poor business decisions & money management over the years. I find it hard to believe that CPAs & financial planners "realize" 4 days before they "lay off" people that they've run out of money. I don't buy it & I am bitter because of it. They had to know a few months ago, if not, they have to be the worst people at their jobs. Some team we were. A decision was made & was going to be adhered to. No discussion with the team. Just let us go. No thought process to figure out another solution. Just let us go. All my hard work & growth didn't matter. I proved I wanted to be there & for that I was let go. Sure, it was great for my personal growth but right now I don't feel like it was.
It's led me to question a lot of things. Did I make the right choice in going to college? To get a degree I've never used? Should I try to find a new job that pertains to my degree? What do I do when I run out of money? So many more questions because I have done nothing but think. I know a lot of thoughts are irrational & unfounded but I still don't feel better. I feel I've become somewhat distant from Jay, not because I don't love him but because I'm trying to figure everything out. I wish someone could figure things out for me, to make it easier on me. Not only am I worried about everything but I feel terrible for being short with him. I'm used to fixing things for everyone else. For being the person everyone can turn to for a rational discussion & support. I'm scared & my emotional distance is due to the fear of the unknown & trying to figure it out. I texted Jay to apologize. I know he's sleeping but I really hope he understands. I thought getting divorced & starting a life without someone I had been with for 11 years & thought I'd be with forever would be the hardest, scariest thing I'd ever have to do but it was a piece of cake compared to how I have felt this last week.
I hope Jay accepts my texts & this as my apology. I don't want him to be mad, in fact, I'm not even sure he is. I just want him to understand that I am scared as hell & don't know what to do for the first time in my life. I'm hoping I can find some answers soon. I feel like crap, emotionally & physically. My neck & shoulder hurt so bad. Getting up & staying up in the morning is very hard. I know I will find answers, I'm just hoping it's sooner rather than later.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
As most of you know, I was laid off from my job. I'm not really sad over it, just scared of the unknown. Cliche time....yes I know everything happens for a reason & when one doors closes another will open......but those things don't pay the bills or ease the anxious moments I have. But I digress....
I've been doing fun things with my new found free time, in trying to figure out what I want to do. Yesterday I went on a Super Secret Hike on Federal land in Pennsylvania. My friend Patrice & her friend Susie took me on a trail they have made. Patrice & I worked together, she was also laid off. Patrice & Susie are members of the Winettes. They hike & bring wine & picnic in the woods. They solve all of life's problems during this time & it takes place in the unmarked woods of Pennsylvania. Just lovely. They've taken me under their wings & made me a Winette also. Saweeeetttt!!!!!
Last Thursday when I was home, after being laid off, I had the Price Is Right on. I was talking with my friend Sunny & I said to her I had to figure out how to get on the show so I could win a car of a lifetime supply of Campbell's Soup or something. Then I had a sign: a commercial came on for open auditions for contestants on August 10th. OMG!!!! I had to go. But, I would have to cross the George Washington Bridge & I have a fear of that. Too much traffic. So I asked Elysia if she wanted to go with me. We didn't decide to go until yesterday.
We got their early, had to wait a bit. There were so many people. I did my 30 second audition & we came home to wait. Hopefully they call......
Well Jay is here & we were laying in bed talking. He's always been asking me when I'm going to fart in front of him. Um, how about never? We always joke about it.....when he hugs me I tell him not to squeeze too hard, I might blow or when I walk Hailey I tell him I heard a tuba band outside......things like that. Well, tonight, Jay had a cat hair or something stuck in his throat & he was doing this weird thing trying to clear it out. I was hysterically laughing at him (he's pretty funny when it comes to gagging & stuff, I always laugh so hard I cry) and I told him he had to stop, I was gonna fart. And then it happened.
It wasn't a dainty fart. It was like a freakin' machine gun tooting out my ass. OMG the horror!!!! I couldn't stop it because Jay was doing his gagging thing, I was laughing at him with the machine gun blowing, I tried to stop but I couldn't!!!! When he stopped gagging he was laughing so hard his face was purple!! He was kind enough to offer to fart so I didn't have to be alone.
He says he doesn't think different of me but I'm still worried. Have I lost some of my girly-ness?? Does he still think I'm cute or does he think I'm a total disgusting slob?? Oh, the horror!!!!