Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lately I don't have too much love for NJ

I've had some changes lately, well, I made some changes.  I know I haven't written in a while.  I have stuff I want to share, but I'm not quite ready.  Quite honestly, I can't remember when I've been happier, actually.  But today I'm feeling lonely.

I'm sure it's left over hormones from "my lady friend".  Thursday, one of my guys - hahaha, I refer to soldiers as my guys!  Anyway, Thursday one of them called & said he heard I took out a Craigslist ad looking for a single soldier to live with me & pay my rent in exchange for me doing laundry, cooking & cleaning.  All these emotions came flooding to me.  It brought back a reminder of why I made a particular change in my life.

Jay & I aren't together anymore.  That's all I'm going to say on it.  There won't be any getting back together, either.  It was a tough decision, one with many influencing factors.  Basically I'm left with the continuous resonance of things said to me, that play over & over like a broken record in my head.  Things I can never forget.  And I'm pretty sure he's never given me another thought since that day, because of something he said to me, frequently, as a matter of fact.  His mother actually called me a few months back, telling me I could do better.  Funny thing, shortly after we broke up, she texted me, to tell me she was thinking about me a lot & wasn't sure if I wanted to hear from her.  Odd, considering she encouraged me to let him go.

Anyway, I'm just lonely today.  This is the first time in my life, at almost 36, I mean 28, that I've been completely alone.  It's not so bad.  Well, it's bad at night & the weekends.  I wish I could work all the time.  I love my friends, but I feel like a 3rd wheel.  Funny thing is, even when Jay & I were together, most of the time I was with my friends he wasn't around, too busy with his things.

I'm struggling with reaching out to someone today.  I want to, but won't.  I don't have SGT Lopez to talk with like I used to.  We still talk & text though.  He's moved on & he suggested I go up to where he's now stationed, since there are a lot of single soldiers.  Now that's a friend looking out for a girl!  That may help some of the lonely feelings while I'm there.  And my birthday is coming.  Although I have picked a particular present that I want to give myself.  It's possible that I won't get it right on my birthday, but keep your fingers crossed.  I have high hopes.

I just feel like this Hell forsaken state is trying so hard to break me, and I keep fighting it.  Why?  What did I ever do to NJ?

I think I'm just cranky & am at the tail end of some hormones & blogging is helping me not send a desperate text.  I will get through this.  NJ won't kill me, maybe it's really trying to make me stronger.  I swear, if I can endure this place, I can probably make it anywhere.  Even though it sucks balls at the moment.

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