Let me tell you about the boy. He does have an actual name. I'm not sure if anyone knows it. I started calling him "boy" because he can be bad & when I yell at him, it's just easier to say "boy". You kinda have to say "boy" like Foghorn Leghorn says "boy". Anyway, his actual name is Cricket. I named him that because at times, he gets in this very relaxed, baby-like state & his purr turns into a chirp that sounds like a cricket. I got him on December 2, 2005. He loves to drink out of the bathroom faucet as he loves water, a lot. He hangs out on the edge of the tub when I shower, sometimes he peeks in. If I take a bath, he will stick his feet in the water. Crazy cat. I do call him Pookie Bear, Bear Bear & Tinky Bear, but mostly boy.
The boy is extremely snuggly. More so than a lot of cats, I think. I mean, whenever I sit down, 3 seconds later, he's wrapped around my neck, snuggling & looking for hugs & kisses. He loves kisses. He will tip his head back for them. I will kiss & kiss & kiss him then ask if he wants more. He always wants more. Every night at bedtime, we snuggle & hug & kiss & he makes his cookies until he's ready to sleep & then he curls up against my back. I love how soft his fur is.
Anyone can come over & pick him up. He's extremely socialized. The only thing he hides from is the vacuum. He does the all the talking for Hailey and himself. He's super vocal. Vocal to the point where I know what sounds he is making for food, trouble, bugs, you name it. You can have an actual conversation with him when it's meal time. I think the funniest sounds he makes are when I walk Hailey. Since I got her, he will cry (scream) for her, out the windows until we come back in. He waits & watches then runs down to the door to greet her, not me, her. Now, that my neighbors know why he screams out the windows the way he does, they laugh. It's pretty comical.
When it's time for breakfast, when we are all sleeping, he starts yelling from where my kitchen table is at & comes racing through the bedroom, across the bed, hoping to get me up. No discretion. When that tactic becomes ineffective, he wakes Hailey up. Yes, he wakes her up. He gets in her face & meows at her until she actually gets out of bed. He knows that's when I will get up. Smart huh??

My girl Hailey.....I love her. She's such a sweet & happy girl. My white boxer. She and the boy were meant for each other. When I was thinking about getting a dog, I didn't know how he would be. I had my friend Heather bring her dog by to see how the boy would react, he ran upstairs. When I had my home visit from the boxer rescue, he ran upstairs but when I brought Hailey home, he never ran away from her. It was love at first sight. Ironically, I got Hailey exactly 1 year & 1 day after the boy on December 3, 2006.
Biologically, Hailey is a few years older than the boy. You'd ever know she was almost 9 years old by how she behaves. Boxers seem to have a lot of energy.....always!!! She gets so wild sometimes throwing her toys through the air, you always have to be on guard or you might get taken out by a flying duck!! She does have a lot of toys, but she plays with every single one of them. Depends on the day & what she feels like doing. Some days it's just squeaking, some days it's shaking and chewing.
Hailey has a lot of names too. I call her: Haileysaurus, Stinkasaurus Rex, Jealous Judy, Josie Grossie, Moosey Lucy, Horsey Harriet, Prettietht Printhess (think lisp) & Hailey Bear. Some of my real life friends know that Hailey doesn't exactly run like a dog. She hops. I've been trying to get video of it. It's very funny.
Poor Hailey has quite a few problems. She has a lot of allergies. She's allergic to beef & chicken, wheat, corn & soy, grass, ash trees & the yeast her own body produces. When I got her she was a hot mess. Her surrender owners just gave her prednesone & she ballooned up to a hefty 62 pounds. She's now a lean & trim 47 with me. She was also supposed to be adopted with her brother, another white boxer who is deaf. She was supposed to be his hearing dog. Anyone who has met Hailey knows her attention span isn't very long. It didn't work out so well. She knows a few hand signals, which I have kept up with her & I think she's pretty content on being the only dog. Now that it's just been the three of us, it's become apparent to me that tension aggravated some of Hailey's issues. See, she also has anxiety. I don't medicate her for that, she's on some heavy duty meds for her allergies so I leave my TV on for her when I'm not here. She likes the Food Channel, especially Paula Deen.
Aside from her issues, did I mention her breath that smells like sewage?? Yeah, it's that bad, Hailey really is a special kind of dog. Even when she doesn't feel well, her nub (tail) still wags in happiness. She is always happy. Everyone is her friend and she just loves little kids. She has bad allergy days where she is extremely itchy, which then gears up her anxiety but we work with it. I tend to worry about her a lot, she's been having these weird shakes lately. Twice they've knocked her down. I'm concerned she's starting to have seizures. She's developing cataracts & who knows what else. I love her very much & I'm glad she's the one I rescued.

Those are my babies & I love them so much. I wish everyone could know just how wonderful they are. They bring so much joy to my life. Maybe this will inspire you to rescue any kind of animal, or to come visit me & mine!!
Oh, by the way, I have another love I want to share with you. I might get in trouble for this, but I'm willing to risk it.
That's Jay :) He's the nicest boy ever & he came along in my life when I could truly appreciate him and the kind of guy he is. Our lives are made up of experiences, good & bad & those things make up who we are. I can happily say that Jay is one of the great experiences :) Plus, he loves Hailey and the boy & I know for sure they love him.
Thanks for reading!!!
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