Yes, I know I haven't written in a while. Well, I'm here now & you better be prepared. I have a lot to share so that means you better go potty, get drinks & snacks & find a comfy seat.
First, the reason for my lack of blogging, is that even right grammatically? Whatever, I don't care. Anywho, I haven't written much because I GOT A JOB!!! That's right folks, I have a job. It's pretty great too. I can't tell you too much, yeah, it's secretive but I'm working for the Army. Anyone who knows me in real life knows how I have a "thing" for men in uniform. I feel my reward for having the 13 months from hell that wreaked havoc on my self esteem & worth & affected some of my relationships was this job. I work with great people. I'm appreciated and told that every day. People are actually happy to have me working with them!!! Currently I'm waiting on my security clearance and stuff, but that's why I haven't written cuz I'm way too busy doing the Army.
It's been very busy at Wits End. About a month ago someone stole one of my license plates. Yes, someone stole one of my plates, off the back of my car. Assholes. The night it happened, new neighbors moved into Baby Momma's apartment. It happened sometime late Friday night into Saturday & I noticed it Saturday afternoon. Awesome. So I reported it to the local police & got a report number. I had to go to the DMV come Monday morning because, well, I also had a stolen plate on my car. Great. Monday came & I got it taken care of. Fast forward two weeks ahead......the cops were here for the 3rd time in 2 days, I will get to that.....& I was outside. The one cop asked where I lived & I told him & he asked if it was my plate stolen. I told him it was. Well, it was found on a car that morning! Can you believe it?!?!?! I knew it didn't fall off like it was suggested to me. Eventually I spoke with the State Trooper who made the discovery & my stolen plate was on a stolen vehicle & there was another stolen plate inside the vehicle!!! Justice prevails! They made one arrest & were looking for 3 more suspects.
As for the police.....our friend, the Conspiracy Theorist (CT) was especially active. Yelling at the cops, the cops were yelling at him. In one week, they were here 7 times in 6 days. Nice. His "girlfriend" showed up one night, needing her medication. She was outside yelling to him to let her come up, she was cold, homeless, been sleeping in the woods......blah blah blah. He was yelling at her he didn't want her there, she was I called the police. Someone had already called before me so they were already on their way. They argued, the police were banging on his door, she was crying....and this is a Tuesday night. The police keep asking her if she has someone to call, anywhere she can go....she's cold, hungry....we learn she's picking cigarette butts up off the side of the road to smoke. She is one effing hot mess. So the one police officer calls a shelter or something for her. She begs for charity/pity. She has the nerve to tell the woman on the phone she is afraid of CT. For reals. I almost yelled out my window to call her out on that bullshit, she was just begging to stay the night with CT. Oh, during this time, I was standing in my bedroom window with the lights out & window opening listening to the whole thing. Eventually that drama ended & we all heaved a collective sigh of relief.
Now I can't quite remember if I ever mentioned the MOTY (Mother of the Year). She lives at the other end of the building & has 3 kids, 9 year old girl, 5 year old girl & 2 year old boy. The 9 year old is always watching & in charge of the 2 little ones. ALWAYS!!! The little boy is constantly running to the road, playing near the road, playing in the parking lots. The frequently play on the steps to the basement which are on my side of the building. The live way at the other end. The basement floods & comes up the stairs. Tell me, what decent parent allows their children to play out of eyesight? Once, an old neighbor made a comment to the 9 year old asking where the mom was, that the 2 year old shouldn't be talking to CT & the mom had the nerve to leave a note on her door saying she didn't understand how was it was to be a single working mom. Bullshit, she isn't single & doesn't work. We all had called the office so much, they finally spoke with the mom & she left in tears. Faker faker stinker baker.
Columbus Day weekend, that Friday, I was off of work. I had an errand to run & when I walked out my door, I watched the little 2 year old boy run to the road. Behind him running was another little neighbor boy & girl, the 9 year old & 5 year old. As I drove by I didn't see any vehicles belonging to the parents. So I called the office & they told me I should call the police. So I did when I got home. I went outside to wait for the officer & the 9 year old road her bike by me & I asked who was home watching her. She said her mom. I told her I saw the 2 year old running to the road. The little neighbor girl also riding her bike, who is probably about 7, said they were watching him. I told them it's not their job to be in charge & watch the 2 year old, their job was to be little kids & have fun. So the cop got there & I filled him in on the whole thing, how the rest of us feel, how we've complained. He went & spoke with the mom, he said the kids look taken care of: clean clothes & fed. I didn't hide the fact that it was me that called. He even said he wished there were more concerned citizens like me. Yes, I've made a conscious choice not to have children but that doesn't mean I don't have compassion or care. Well, I struck a harsh chord with the mom.
That weak passive aggressive bitch had the nerve to yell out her window from behind her curtains at me. I was out walking my Hailey girl, talking with my downstairs neighbor & I took Hailey off her leash to come in at my stoop. She yelled "be careful, someone might call the cops". Really. And in front of my neighbor. Dumb C U Next Tuesday. Then a couple of days later, I was going out to the store & the 9 year old was by the road getting the mail. She yelled "don't worry 9 year old, I'm watching you". Ass. It wasn't until I was out with my dog & she was out with her dog & 2 girls that she didn't say a word. She wouldn't even walk near me. HAHAHAHAHA Douche. Funny thing, the cops were here those bunch of times the week after, I bet she shit a brick, especially when she saw me talking with them a couple of times!!!
I don't think I did anything wrong. In fact, she's been better about watching her kids.....except that one time I went outside & I saw the 2 year old running to the road with a trail of kids behind him. I know the 9 year old saw me looking. LOL! Those kids haven't played on our side of the building or the steps. By default I may have made her a more watchful parent. The cop told me she was lucky I called them instead of DYFS (Division of Youth & Family Services).
So that is what has been going on here. Have you missed me???
I'm a New York Exile living in the Garden State of New Jersey. My life is full of stories that could never be made up & must be shared.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Wits End wits end
I'm so damn annoyed. This whole not having a job, not being able to find a job is getting on my last nerve. On Monday I will be unemployed for 13 months. It's been awful & is really taking it's toll on my self esteem.
I have done everything the state of NJ has suggested: I took computer classes to brush up or add on to my skills, I volunteer, I've reconsidered what I'm worth (monetarily) and dropped down what I would ask for in pay. What else is there for me to do? It's even been suggested that I omit things on my resume, but I refuse to do that. That's like lying. What if someone investigates my background? I won't do that.
I even signed up with two temp agencies. One I signed up with almost a year ago. In April I contacted my "account manager" to ask why I haven't heard anything in almost 6 months and gave her my updated resume. She told me that there weren't any employers looking for my set of skills. Really? Today I emailed her again, since I haven't heard from her once. What's the effing point of having an "account manager" at a temp agency for? Good thing I didn't have to pay her because her ass would be so fired.
A couple of weeks ago I had an interview for a job I was really interested in. It was local & only part time, but I felt good about it. I thought the interview went well. I found it odd that she kept asking me if I was bitter and resentful about things at my old job, the manner they went about in laying me off. I told her I wasn't and I'm not. Ultimately business is business. Life moves forward, it's a waste of energy to hold on to something like that. She also told me that she would let me know, either way, her decision with me, to which I was thankful. She asked me to email her 3 references, which I did. I also sent a hand written thank you note at the suggestion of a friend. The job was to be part time in August with the potential to become full time. Today is September 1st. I haven't heard from her by phone or email. Thanks a lot.
That's the thing, applying for most jobs is now anonymous. So I can't follow up. Then I never hear anything. It's crap, it really is & I'm tired of it. I'm an awesome employee. I'm well rounded and organized. I have superior organization and multitasking skills. I have an excellent personality & can fit in anywhere but most of all I want to work and do a good job. I'm not a schlub employee. I have 10 years of office experience. I like to learn new things. I'm a team player. Do you know how hard it is not to sound desperate in a job interview? Do you know how hard it is to not beg in a cover letter to please, just give me an interview so I can tell you how much of an asset I would be to a company?
This whole not working has taking a toll on my self esteem, that I now have trouble selling myself, even to me. I'm tired of hearing how "everything is for a reason", "something great is out there", "it will get better" and all the other typical cliche stuff that is said. That doesn't help me pay my rent or pay my utilities. If I didn't have my mom, I probably would have been evicted from my apartment a few months ago. I get paid every 2 weeks from unemployment & that one payment isn't enough to cover my rent. Sometimes I wish I had a second bedroom so I could find a room mate (not ideal for me, I don't want a room mate) but it would help a lot. So I'm stuck in this alone.
I always believe you have to hit bottom before you can go back up but I'm not even sure I've hit bottom yet. I don't even know what my bottom is. I would like to so I can get the ball rolling. I'm just very annoyed with this whole ordeal. I've never been a big prayer, but I pray all the time. I've asked for signs, I've been listening. I don't know what to do.
I have done everything the state of NJ has suggested: I took computer classes to brush up or add on to my skills, I volunteer, I've reconsidered what I'm worth (monetarily) and dropped down what I would ask for in pay. What else is there for me to do? It's even been suggested that I omit things on my resume, but I refuse to do that. That's like lying. What if someone investigates my background? I won't do that.
I even signed up with two temp agencies. One I signed up with almost a year ago. In April I contacted my "account manager" to ask why I haven't heard anything in almost 6 months and gave her my updated resume. She told me that there weren't any employers looking for my set of skills. Really? Today I emailed her again, since I haven't heard from her once. What's the effing point of having an "account manager" at a temp agency for? Good thing I didn't have to pay her because her ass would be so fired.
A couple of weeks ago I had an interview for a job I was really interested in. It was local & only part time, but I felt good about it. I thought the interview went well. I found it odd that she kept asking me if I was bitter and resentful about things at my old job, the manner they went about in laying me off. I told her I wasn't and I'm not. Ultimately business is business. Life moves forward, it's a waste of energy to hold on to something like that. She also told me that she would let me know, either way, her decision with me, to which I was thankful. She asked me to email her 3 references, which I did. I also sent a hand written thank you note at the suggestion of a friend. The job was to be part time in August with the potential to become full time. Today is September 1st. I haven't heard from her by phone or email. Thanks a lot.
That's the thing, applying for most jobs is now anonymous. So I can't follow up. Then I never hear anything. It's crap, it really is & I'm tired of it. I'm an awesome employee. I'm well rounded and organized. I have superior organization and multitasking skills. I have an excellent personality & can fit in anywhere but most of all I want to work and do a good job. I'm not a schlub employee. I have 10 years of office experience. I like to learn new things. I'm a team player. Do you know how hard it is not to sound desperate in a job interview? Do you know how hard it is to not beg in a cover letter to please, just give me an interview so I can tell you how much of an asset I would be to a company?
This whole not working has taking a toll on my self esteem, that I now have trouble selling myself, even to me. I'm tired of hearing how "everything is for a reason", "something great is out there", "it will get better" and all the other typical cliche stuff that is said. That doesn't help me pay my rent or pay my utilities. If I didn't have my mom, I probably would have been evicted from my apartment a few months ago. I get paid every 2 weeks from unemployment & that one payment isn't enough to cover my rent. Sometimes I wish I had a second bedroom so I could find a room mate (not ideal for me, I don't want a room mate) but it would help a lot. So I'm stuck in this alone.
I always believe you have to hit bottom before you can go back up but I'm not even sure I've hit bottom yet. I don't even know what my bottom is. I would like to so I can get the ball rolling. I'm just very annoyed with this whole ordeal. I've never been a big prayer, but I pray all the time. I've asked for signs, I've been listening. I don't know what to do.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Nightmare - Part 2
I'm going to apologize now for my use of obscenities. They really are necessary here.
When we last left off I had a place to stay.....a very costly place to stay. I am thankful my animals were safe. This whole thing has been a very costly & emotional nightmare.
Saturday, Sunday & Monday I spent bagging & cleaning out my closets. Add to that my not sleeping much, paranoia does that to you. On Sunday, I was so exhausted after I showered that I fell asleep when I sat down for a minute on my bed. I slept for a while. When I got up I fed my animals & made myself something to eat. When I went back to my bedroom to get my phone, what did I see? One of the nasty fuckers running across the corner of my bed. Guess it didn't realize I had gotten up. See, there are some misconceptions about bed bugs.
First off, they don't come to you because you are dirty. They are pretty much creatures of opportunity. Sure, the facts you read say they are most active in the hours just before dawn, but the one I saw running was at 6pm. They are attracted to body heat & carbon dioxide. My sleeping for about 2 hours was enough to lure that one out. But it didn't survive. I sprayed it with alcohol & then smashed it. Mind you, when I went to bed that night, it was on the couch & I slept there until 6:30am. I went back to sleep on my bed, on top of the comforter just before 7am & was up at 9am. In that time, I got 5 bites on my arm. Here are some good facts about the little fuckers.
Now, from when Jay & I cleaned that previous Monday (7/18), things improved greatly. From Monday to Tuesday (7/26), I only physically saw 10 total. All with the exception of the one after my nap, I searched the others out. Monday night Jay came by to help get the black mesh off the bottom of my box springs. We were expecting the worst. 3. That's all we found & those 3 are included in the 10 total.
I still feel like a leper. Please understand that bed bugs do not live on a host and with everything I have been doing, no new bites, don't be worried to come over here or to invite me over. Sure, they could attach themselves somewhere on your clothes. My management office kindly explained it to me that I could pick one up by brushing up against clothing on racks in Walmart. You can get them in a movie theater. Pretty much, you can get them anywhere. I'm almost fascinated by them. I'm not sure if they are extremely intelligent or are just little creatures that do the same little habits every single day.
I've continued to spray. I bought actual bed bug spray this past Tuesday (8/2) because I saw 2 live ones. I am happy to report I don't have any new bites & haven't in 2 weeks. I sprayed my room, locking my animals out & ventilating well. My neighbor gave me some Diatomaceous Earth (DE). She has the human grade kind that is safe around my animals. To bugs, DE is like glass shards. It cuts them up & dries them out. I'm glad. I refuse to let any more of those fuckers in. I spent a good hour putting it around my base boards yesterday.
I have had to complain to the office about the Conspiracy Theorist & his Skank Bitch girlfriend. They aren't cleaning properly. They wash their shit in the bathtub & hang it over the railing. That is NOT an acceptable method of combating bed bugs. I was told at the office that they can't "make" people do the right thing. I told her that my efforts are moot then & they will always be paying a hefty bill for the exterminator. Douchebags.
So I still have most of my stuff bagged up. The exterminator is coming back Thursday (8/11). I'm not sure if they are going to be back a 3rd time. I just would like this to be over. But I wonder if it will ever be over. I still have paranoia. If I have an itch, I have to feel it, to see if it's bites. I still constantly perform checks. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I have to calm myself down to go back to sleep. It's such an awful feeling.
I'm hoping this next exterminator visit alleviates even more of my paranoia.
Wish me luck!!
When we last left off I had a place to stay.....a very costly place to stay. I am thankful my animals were safe. This whole thing has been a very costly & emotional nightmare.
Saturday, Sunday & Monday I spent bagging & cleaning out my closets. Add to that my not sleeping much, paranoia does that to you. On Sunday, I was so exhausted after I showered that I fell asleep when I sat down for a minute on my bed. I slept for a while. When I got up I fed my animals & made myself something to eat. When I went back to my bedroom to get my phone, what did I see? One of the nasty fuckers running across the corner of my bed. Guess it didn't realize I had gotten up. See, there are some misconceptions about bed bugs.
First off, they don't come to you because you are dirty. They are pretty much creatures of opportunity. Sure, the facts you read say they are most active in the hours just before dawn, but the one I saw running was at 6pm. They are attracted to body heat & carbon dioxide. My sleeping for about 2 hours was enough to lure that one out. But it didn't survive. I sprayed it with alcohol & then smashed it. Mind you, when I went to bed that night, it was on the couch & I slept there until 6:30am. I went back to sleep on my bed, on top of the comforter just before 7am & was up at 9am. In that time, I got 5 bites on my arm. Here are some good facts about the little fuckers.
Now, from when Jay & I cleaned that previous Monday (7/18), things improved greatly. From Monday to Tuesday (7/26), I only physically saw 10 total. All with the exception of the one after my nap, I searched the others out. Monday night Jay came by to help get the black mesh off the bottom of my box springs. We were expecting the worst. 3. That's all we found & those 3 are included in the 10 total.
I still feel like a leper. Please understand that bed bugs do not live on a host and with everything I have been doing, no new bites, don't be worried to come over here or to invite me over. Sure, they could attach themselves somewhere on your clothes. My management office kindly explained it to me that I could pick one up by brushing up against clothing on racks in Walmart. You can get them in a movie theater. Pretty much, you can get them anywhere. I'm almost fascinated by them. I'm not sure if they are extremely intelligent or are just little creatures that do the same little habits every single day.
I've continued to spray. I bought actual bed bug spray this past Tuesday (8/2) because I saw 2 live ones. I am happy to report I don't have any new bites & haven't in 2 weeks. I sprayed my room, locking my animals out & ventilating well. My neighbor gave me some Diatomaceous Earth (DE). She has the human grade kind that is safe around my animals. To bugs, DE is like glass shards. It cuts them up & dries them out. I'm glad. I refuse to let any more of those fuckers in. I spent a good hour putting it around my base boards yesterday.
I have had to complain to the office about the Conspiracy Theorist & his Skank Bitch girlfriend. They aren't cleaning properly. They wash their shit in the bathtub & hang it over the railing. That is NOT an acceptable method of combating bed bugs. I was told at the office that they can't "make" people do the right thing. I told her that my efforts are moot then & they will always be paying a hefty bill for the exterminator. Douchebags.
So I still have most of my stuff bagged up. The exterminator is coming back Thursday (8/11). I'm not sure if they are going to be back a 3rd time. I just would like this to be over. But I wonder if it will ever be over. I still have paranoia. If I have an itch, I have to feel it, to see if it's bites. I still constantly perform checks. If I wake up in the middle of the night, I have to calm myself down to go back to sleep. It's such an awful feeling.
I'm hoping this next exterminator visit alleviates even more of my paranoia.
Wish me luck!!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Let me tell you the horror that has been my life for the last almost 2 months and the nightmare that has been since Monday & hopefully ends Tuesday.
I've been posting about how I have these bug bites. Tons of them. My legs, my arms, my back & my left butt cheek. I've been living in Off & Neem spray. I have stopped walking in the grass, I spray up nekkid, I have been wiping myself down with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol & Witch Hazel. I have been a big pink blob from calamine lotion. The way the bites look, they point to chiggers. I'm thinking with the hot & humid weather we've been having, the bugs have been out of control. The mosquitoes have always liked me more than others, so this is what I've been attributing it too.
I didn't want to think it could possibly be the worst thing ever. It was suggested to me, more than once, that maybe it's bed bugs. No, I moved a plant around, I saw baby spiders, it's spider bites. I've cleaned, dusted, wiped things down, slept in bug spray, you name it, I was still getting them. Itching, scratching, terrible. Itching is a pleasurable experience. I can't tell you how good it feels - eyes rolling back in your head it feels so good. On the down side, they itch so badly that they scab up. I haven't been able to shave my legs & my arms, well, I look like a doper.
I started pulling my sheets up, at all hours, checking the seams, crawling across my mattress with nothing on it. I didn't see anything, it's not bed bugs......
This past Monday Jay grabbed a tissue & there was a bug on it. So he looked it up & said it looked like a bed bug. I disagreed, I had checked at least 20 times, at all hours. I saw nothing. So we ate dinner & I asked him to help me pull my bed away from the wall. Let the nightmare begin.
There was a cluster. Two of them at the head of my bed, between my mattress & box spring. It gets worse. One on his side, two more on mine & one at the bottom of my bed. I had a melt down. A big melt down. I am so thankful Jay was here to help me because physically I was not capable. He helped me strip the bed & bag my sheets, bed skirt & comforter up. He helped me vacuum & move stuff. I called the maintenance number after I calmed down some. I announced who I was & asked who I was speaking to. Then I asked if there had been any complaints about bed bugs. There was a real long pause & I got a "yeeesssssss". I said well I have them too. I was told there was an exterminator coming Thursday (yesterday) & I would be added to the list.
Jay & I went & dried my sheets, then washed them, then dried everything again. Before we left, we hosed my bedroom down with 91% Isopropyl alcohol. It was so strong. We got home & put the clean sheets back on. Took showers, again & went to bed. It was the first time in a month I didn't wake up with new bites.
Wednesday morning I went to the office to the office to tell them what I discovered. I offered to show them all my areas of bites, including my butt cheek. I was told the exterminator was only coming Thursday to assess 4 & 4N. There are 12 apartments in my building. I happen to be 5N. Right next to 4N. 4N being the Conspiracy Theorist & his skank bitch girlfriend. I asked at the office if it was his apartment but she couldn't tell me, but then she did admit it started in his. Fucker. WE SHARE A FUCKING WALL!!!!
That afternoon the entire building got letters with instructions for Tuesday, 7/26. They are going to bomb every apartment. We have specific instructions as to what we have to do, before & after. It's a nightmare. Early Thursday morning, I was awake about 3am & my arm & side of my foot were itching, bad. PANIC!!! I turned my light on & whipped my sheets off my bed & I saw it. It was trying to get away. I ran to get my spray bottle of alcohol, it kills them instantly. I sprayed it & saw another on my bed skirt & sprayed that one. Then all my sheets came off and I checked all around again. I sat on my floor crying in the middle of the night, checking. I only found one more. Now you should know, I have been constantly spraying & checking. I lifted & checked between my mattress & box spring 4 times that day. The facts Jay read said they will travel up to 20 feet for a meal. Awesome. You should also know that before I went to bed that night I sprayed my couch, again. There hasn't been any evidence there, precautionary. I also sprayed my stairs & the shared wall between me & the scumbags. The smell of alcohol was strong. It was awful, it's been awful.
I went back to the office yesterday & explained that I'm completely skeeved
I finally calmed down yesterday & started checking for hotels nearby that allow pets. I saw that a Days Inn 15 miles away took them but there is a Days Inn 4 miles down the road from me. I called, just to see, because it didn't say. They have rooms they allow pets in. In talking with the lady, she bred & raised boxers (Hailey is a boxer) and we got to chatting. She even worked it that I can check in early if the room wasn't occupied the night before since I don't know when the exterminator is coming. HUGE relief. I have somewhere safe & cool where my animals can be. This allows me to go do a whole crap load of laundry. Because I have the room until Wednesday, that allows me to come & clean after the exterminators leave.
Before they come I have to move everything away from the walls, vacuum, put stuff away, put food away, bag up everything, wash it & dry it. After they leave I have to vacuum everything again & wipe everything down. I'm glad my animals will be somewhere that I can get the joint cleaned up before they come home.
This is an awful nightmare. I know it's not that I am dirty, but it certainly makes me feel that way. I slept part of the night on my couch last night. At about 3:30am, I went to my bed, but I lifted, checked & sprayed & I slept on top of my covers. I have the creepy crawlies. I just checked a little while ago & found one between the mattress & box spring. It's hard, I have a king size bed & it's heavy to lift by myself. I do know the #3 apartments have "house guests" too. I'm not sure about #1s of #2s. I know the #6s don't. I didn't have many, but enough to make me feel devastated. I despise the Conspiracy Theorist & his skank bitch girlfriend. They hang out in infested projects in the next town over & since they are scumbags, what would make them think having bites was anything but normal?
I cleaned out my living room closet tonight. I have stuff stacked on my kitchen table. Tomorrow will be my bathroom closet & the beginning of my bedroom closet, which is huge. That will be good. I've been meaning to bag up clothes to donate. Don't worry. If you use BLACK garbage bags & allow them to sit in the sun for a few hours, it kills the bugs. I have to bag up dog & cat toys, their beds, pretty much everything. I don't know if the bombing will work. I don't know if there is follow up treatment. I don't really know much of anything
I've been posting about how I have these bug bites. Tons of them. My legs, my arms, my back & my left butt cheek. I've been living in Off & Neem spray. I have stopped walking in the grass, I spray up nekkid, I have been wiping myself down with 91% Isopropyl Alcohol & Witch Hazel. I have been a big pink blob from calamine lotion. The way the bites look, they point to chiggers. I'm thinking with the hot & humid weather we've been having, the bugs have been out of control. The mosquitoes have always liked me more than others, so this is what I've been attributing it too.
I didn't want to think it could possibly be the worst thing ever. It was suggested to me, more than once, that maybe it's bed bugs. No, I moved a plant around, I saw baby spiders, it's spider bites. I've cleaned, dusted, wiped things down, slept in bug spray, you name it, I was still getting them. Itching, scratching, terrible. Itching is a pleasurable experience. I can't tell you how good it feels - eyes rolling back in your head it feels so good. On the down side, they itch so badly that they scab up. I haven't been able to shave my legs & my arms, well, I look like a doper.
I started pulling my sheets up, at all hours, checking the seams, crawling across my mattress with nothing on it. I didn't see anything, it's not bed bugs......
This past Monday Jay grabbed a tissue & there was a bug on it. So he looked it up & said it looked like a bed bug. I disagreed, I had checked at least 20 times, at all hours. I saw nothing. So we ate dinner & I asked him to help me pull my bed away from the wall. Let the nightmare begin.
There was a cluster. Two of them at the head of my bed, between my mattress & box spring. It gets worse. One on his side, two more on mine & one at the bottom of my bed. I had a melt down. A big melt down. I am so thankful Jay was here to help me because physically I was not capable. He helped me strip the bed & bag my sheets, bed skirt & comforter up. He helped me vacuum & move stuff. I called the maintenance number after I calmed down some. I announced who I was & asked who I was speaking to. Then I asked if there had been any complaints about bed bugs. There was a real long pause & I got a "yeeesssssss". I said well I have them too. I was told there was an exterminator coming Thursday (yesterday) & I would be added to the list.
Jay & I went & dried my sheets, then washed them, then dried everything again. Before we left, we hosed my bedroom down with 91% Isopropyl alcohol. It was so strong. We got home & put the clean sheets back on. Took showers, again & went to bed. It was the first time in a month I didn't wake up with new bites.
Wednesday morning I went to the office to the office to tell them what I discovered. I offered to show them all my areas of bites, including my butt cheek. I was told the exterminator was only coming Thursday to assess 4 & 4N. There are 12 apartments in my building. I happen to be 5N. Right next to 4N. 4N being the Conspiracy Theorist & his skank bitch girlfriend. I asked at the office if it was his apartment but she couldn't tell me, but then she did admit it started in his. Fucker. WE SHARE A FUCKING WALL!!!!
That afternoon the entire building got letters with instructions for Tuesday, 7/26. They are going to bomb every apartment. We have specific instructions as to what we have to do, before & after. It's a nightmare. Early Thursday morning, I was awake about 3am & my arm & side of my foot were itching, bad. PANIC!!! I turned my light on & whipped my sheets off my bed & I saw it. It was trying to get away. I ran to get my spray bottle of alcohol, it kills them instantly. I sprayed it & saw another on my bed skirt & sprayed that one. Then all my sheets came off and I checked all around again. I sat on my floor crying in the middle of the night, checking. I only found one more. Now you should know, I have been constantly spraying & checking. I lifted & checked between my mattress & box spring 4 times that day. The facts Jay read said they will travel up to 20 feet for a meal. Awesome. You should also know that before I went to bed that night I sprayed my couch, again. There hasn't been any evidence there, precautionary. I also sprayed my stairs & the shared wall between me & the scumbags. The smell of alcohol was strong. It was awful, it's been awful.
I went back to the office yesterday & explained that I'm completely skeeved
I finally calmed down yesterday & started checking for hotels nearby that allow pets. I saw that a Days Inn 15 miles away took them but there is a Days Inn 4 miles down the road from me. I called, just to see, because it didn't say. They have rooms they allow pets in. In talking with the lady, she bred & raised boxers (Hailey is a boxer) and we got to chatting. She even worked it that I can check in early if the room wasn't occupied the night before since I don't know when the exterminator is coming. HUGE relief. I have somewhere safe & cool where my animals can be. This allows me to go do a whole crap load of laundry. Because I have the room until Wednesday, that allows me to come & clean after the exterminators leave.
Before they come I have to move everything away from the walls, vacuum, put stuff away, put food away, bag up everything, wash it & dry it. After they leave I have to vacuum everything again & wipe everything down. I'm glad my animals will be somewhere that I can get the joint cleaned up before they come home.
This is an awful nightmare. I know it's not that I am dirty, but it certainly makes me feel that way. I slept part of the night on my couch last night. At about 3:30am, I went to my bed, but I lifted, checked & sprayed & I slept on top of my covers. I have the creepy crawlies. I just checked a little while ago & found one between the mattress & box spring. It's hard, I have a king size bed & it's heavy to lift by myself. I do know the #3 apartments have "house guests" too. I'm not sure about #1s of #2s. I know the #6s don't. I didn't have many, but enough to make me feel devastated. I despise the Conspiracy Theorist & his skank bitch girlfriend. They hang out in infested projects in the next town over & since they are scumbags, what would make them think having bites was anything but normal?
I cleaned out my living room closet tonight. I have stuff stacked on my kitchen table. Tomorrow will be my bathroom closet & the beginning of my bedroom closet, which is huge. That will be good. I've been meaning to bag up clothes to donate. Don't worry. If you use BLACK garbage bags & allow them to sit in the sun for a few hours, it kills the bugs. I have to bag up dog & cat toys, their beds, pretty much everything. I don't know if the bombing will work. I don't know if there is follow up treatment. I don't really know much of anything
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Wits End Drama
So in my building there are 12 apartments total. The opposite end has some kids. Two families & the little kids play together, around the whole building, in the lots, whatever. None of us mind, except there is never any adult supervision.
Now, those of us at the opposite end have talked about that there is never any adult supervision. Ever. The oldest girl, who is probably about 9 years old has to watch her little sister who is probably 5ish and her little brother who is 2. He has a motorized 4 wheeler he rides around. He's been on the street with it. My neighbor, Jen, has said several times to the oldest little girl "where's your mom?", "watch your little brother". I mean, these kids think nothing of saying hi to us or talking to us. It concerns me with the odd balls that live in this general neighborhood, not just my building.
Now, the mother has a "husband". We are going to classify "husband" loosely. We all feel terrible for the oldest little girl, the one who is always in charge. She's always dragging the garbage out. Always watching those kids. She misses the school bus quite often. It's just not a good deal. Her dad is not the same dad as the other 2 younger kids. Last year, the oldest girl mentioned how her mom married the smaller kids father.
On Sunday, Jen saw most of the kids in the back (there are 2 other kids but they live in a different apartment & don't pertain to this story) except the little 2 year old boy was out front talking with the Conspiracy Theorist. WTF?? So when Jen was walking her dog, she saw the oldest little girl & asked why her mom never comes outside with them & that the little boy was talking to the Conspiracy Theorist. I guess the oldest girl made a face, like Jen was on to something. Poor little girl can't even be a little girl. Jen doesn't remember if she said anything else to the little girl. I mean neither one of those adults is ever outside sitting on the stoop watching these kids. What the fuck is wrong with them?
On Monday Jen had a note on her door telling her to mind her business & that the mom is a "single, working mom". Bull fucking shit. She's a lazy piece of garbage who is totally fucking up her kids, especially the oldest girl. Jen said the kids haven't been playing down this way. It's not like any of us mind. They like to pet the dogs when we all walk them & they chit chat with us. I mean, they are little kids. LITTLE KIDS. It's just a bad deal & that woman, those people are fucked up. If something happens to that little boy, that little girl would be messed up more than she probably already is.
Now, those of us at the opposite end have talked about that there is never any adult supervision. Ever. The oldest girl, who is probably about 9 years old has to watch her little sister who is probably 5ish and her little brother who is 2. He has a motorized 4 wheeler he rides around. He's been on the street with it. My neighbor, Jen, has said several times to the oldest little girl "where's your mom?", "watch your little brother". I mean, these kids think nothing of saying hi to us or talking to us. It concerns me with the odd balls that live in this general neighborhood, not just my building.
Now, the mother has a "husband". We are going to classify "husband" loosely. We all feel terrible for the oldest little girl, the one who is always in charge. She's always dragging the garbage out. Always watching those kids. She misses the school bus quite often. It's just not a good deal. Her dad is not the same dad as the other 2 younger kids. Last year, the oldest girl mentioned how her mom married the smaller kids father.
On Sunday, Jen saw most of the kids in the back (there are 2 other kids but they live in a different apartment & don't pertain to this story) except the little 2 year old boy was out front talking with the Conspiracy Theorist. WTF?? So when Jen was walking her dog, she saw the oldest little girl & asked why her mom never comes outside with them & that the little boy was talking to the Conspiracy Theorist. I guess the oldest girl made a face, like Jen was on to something. Poor little girl can't even be a little girl. Jen doesn't remember if she said anything else to the little girl. I mean neither one of those adults is ever outside sitting on the stoop watching these kids. What the fuck is wrong with them?
On Monday Jen had a note on her door telling her to mind her business & that the mom is a "single, working mom". Bull fucking shit. She's a lazy piece of garbage who is totally fucking up her kids, especially the oldest girl. Jen said the kids haven't been playing down this way. It's not like any of us mind. They like to pet the dogs when we all walk them & they chit chat with us. I mean, they are little kids. LITTLE KIDS. It's just a bad deal & that woman, those people are fucked up. If something happens to that little boy, that little girl would be messed up more than she probably already is.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Fruity Nutcake - The Psychotic Edition
Ok, so remember on April 29, 2011 when I wrote my Fruity Nutcake blog? Two days ago, since today is only May 1, 2011?? Well, the one of two things happened. There was confrontation. Bad. Screaming. My Screaming. I had to call my neighbor to come over. Bad.
I got home from being at Jay's & having dinner & there was this woman leaving out the shared door. My Sherlock Holmes deduction told me that since I didn't know her, she was leaving from Fruity Nutcake's apartment. She walked by me, humming and as I put my key in my door this is the conversation that took place:
Lady: Are you the young lady that lives upstairs?
Me: Yes.
Lady: Can I talk to you?
Me: Today isn't a good day.
Lady: Can I talk to you?
Me: Today isn't a good day.
Lady: Can I talk to you?
Me: (walking down off my stoop, hand up) Today isn't a good day.
Lady: Well, I will pray for you.
Me: Pray for me? Seriously? Pray for me? I don't need to be prayed for.
Lady: Do you think you can keep the noise down in your apartment?
Me: What? Seriously, do you think I make noise 24/7???
Lady: Can I talk with you about Fruity Nutcake? She's not well, she's sick.
Me: Really? I never would have guessed that and how is that my problem?
Lady: She isn't well. She has a sweet boy, he's autistic. Do you know what autism is?
Me: Yes, I'm fully aware of what autism is.
Lady: Well, it's just so hard & the noise....
Me: Again, how is that my problem? We live in garden apartments & she lives on the first floor. (Me now screaming) I worry about getting up to go pee in the middle of the night because she claims I'm up all the time making noise.
Lady: Garden apartment, what does that mean, is your apartment a little more special?
Me: No, it means we share a common lawn space. She's in a garden apartment in a dog building. There is going to be noise. (I'm shaking & screaming). There were wood floors when I moved in, not my problem.
Lady: Do you think you could get a rug? (Fruity Nutcake opens the door).
Me: Have one. If you think I am going to walk on egg shells in MY apartment you are insane. The fact that she banged on the ceiling the other night because I got up to pee is absurd. I hesitate to get up to pee in the middle of the night for fear she is going to bang. I refuse to live like a prisoner in my apartment. It's not going to happen.
Lady: That was my idea to bang.
Me: Yeah, great idea.
So I walk to my stoop & the following happens with Fruity Nutcake, oh and don't forget I'm screaming & crying:
Fruity Nutcake: Can my friend come in while you walk up in your apartment?
Me: No, I get there is noise, the management office isn't going to rip up floors to fix it, fucking deal with it.
Fruity Nutcake: I'm a light sleeper, I sleep right there (points to couch).
Me: I don't give a fuck, not my problem. Buy a box fan or white noise machine. This is the deal, get over yourself.
Fruity Nutcake: I'm moving to a new place.
Me: I can't wait.
Fruity Nutcake: I like you, I don't want to fight.
Me: Bull fucking shit. You are in the office almost every day crying over the noise. Grow up. ( I call my neighbor to come over, because I am double teamed).
Fruity Nutcake: I was only there once (LIE).
Me: I will not be living like a prisoner in my apartment. It's not going to happen. Suck it up & deal with it. I fucking sit on my couch & crochet. Is my crocheting bothering you? Do I fucking crochet too loud?? Really?? Shut your door, just shut your door.
I'm surprised the police didn't show up. With my use of the F word & my hysterical screaming & crying. I have a feeling they may show up in the middle of the night. My neighbor Jen suggested the police be called with excessive noise. So I'm sure when I get up to pee, she will be calling. Of course Jen did ask how she knows about the noise if she sleeps in her car hahaha!
I did call the office & leave a message briefly explaining what happened & that I will be over first thing tomorrow to have it dealt with. This is absolutely absurd. I just can't believe some people.
When I walked Hailey at a little after 10, some of the lovely tenants at her new building were sitting out side screaming & cussing & having a grand time. I can't wait until she gets over there.
I got home from being at Jay's & having dinner & there was this woman leaving out the shared door. My Sherlock Holmes deduction told me that since I didn't know her, she was leaving from Fruity Nutcake's apartment. She walked by me, humming and as I put my key in my door this is the conversation that took place:
Lady: Are you the young lady that lives upstairs?
Me: Yes.
Lady: Can I talk to you?
Me: Today isn't a good day.
Lady: Can I talk to you?
Me: Today isn't a good day.
Lady: Can I talk to you?
Me: (walking down off my stoop, hand up) Today isn't a good day.
Lady: Well, I will pray for you.
Me: Pray for me? Seriously? Pray for me? I don't need to be prayed for.
Lady: Do you think you can keep the noise down in your apartment?
Me: What? Seriously, do you think I make noise 24/7???
Lady: Can I talk with you about Fruity Nutcake? She's not well, she's sick.
Me: Really? I never would have guessed that and how is that my problem?
Lady: She isn't well. She has a sweet boy, he's autistic. Do you know what autism is?
Me: Yes, I'm fully aware of what autism is.
Lady: Well, it's just so hard & the noise....
Me: Again, how is that my problem? We live in garden apartments & she lives on the first floor. (Me now screaming) I worry about getting up to go pee in the middle of the night because she claims I'm up all the time making noise.
Lady: Garden apartment, what does that mean, is your apartment a little more special?
Me: No, it means we share a common lawn space. She's in a garden apartment in a dog building. There is going to be noise. (I'm shaking & screaming). There were wood floors when I moved in, not my problem.
Lady: Do you think you could get a rug? (Fruity Nutcake opens the door).
Me: Have one. If you think I am going to walk on egg shells in MY apartment you are insane. The fact that she banged on the ceiling the other night because I got up to pee is absurd. I hesitate to get up to pee in the middle of the night for fear she is going to bang. I refuse to live like a prisoner in my apartment. It's not going to happen.
Lady: That was my idea to bang.
Me: Yeah, great idea.
So I walk to my stoop & the following happens with Fruity Nutcake, oh and don't forget I'm screaming & crying:
Fruity Nutcake: Can my friend come in while you walk up in your apartment?
Me: No, I get there is noise, the management office isn't going to rip up floors to fix it, fucking deal with it.
Fruity Nutcake: I'm a light sleeper, I sleep right there (points to couch).
Me: I don't give a fuck, not my problem. Buy a box fan or white noise machine. This is the deal, get over yourself.
Fruity Nutcake: I'm moving to a new place.
Me: I can't wait.
Fruity Nutcake: I like you, I don't want to fight.
Me: Bull fucking shit. You are in the office almost every day crying over the noise. Grow up. ( I call my neighbor to come over, because I am double teamed).
Fruity Nutcake: I was only there once (LIE).
Me: I will not be living like a prisoner in my apartment. It's not going to happen. Suck it up & deal with it. I fucking sit on my couch & crochet. Is my crocheting bothering you? Do I fucking crochet too loud?? Really?? Shut your door, just shut your door.
I'm surprised the police didn't show up. With my use of the F word & my hysterical screaming & crying. I have a feeling they may show up in the middle of the night. My neighbor Jen suggested the police be called with excessive noise. So I'm sure when I get up to pee, she will be calling. Of course Jen did ask how she knows about the noise if she sleeps in her car hahaha!
I did call the office & leave a message briefly explaining what happened & that I will be over first thing tomorrow to have it dealt with. This is absolutely absurd. I just can't believe some people.
When I walked Hailey at a little after 10, some of the lovely tenants at her new building were sitting out side screaming & cussing & having a grand time. I can't wait until she gets over there.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Fruity Nutcake
Yes, this is what I have decided to call my neighbor down below, who is only going to be my neighbor for 5 more weeks. The management office is moving her to the building across the street....the one with bush pukers & those who get their supply of "materials" from the Conspiracy Theorist.
The boy (cat) is still waking me up extremely early in the morning. Obviously my talks are not working with him. On Tuesday, at 4am, he had me up. So I got up, shut Hailey in my bedroom, went to the bathroom, didn't flush my toilet, walked to my kitchen, gave the boy treats, got some for Hailey & walked back to my room. Fruity Nutcake decided to bang on the ceiling. WTF, really asshole???? REALLY?!?!?!?!
I was fired up. I got up & got ready at 6am, my heart was racing & my anxiety was off the charts. I waited for the management office to open up. At about 9am, I went to talk with Patti. I told her I never planned to come over to talk to her about the lady downstairs but it's getting out of control. I told her I was now concerned about getting up just to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I explained exactly what happened to Patti during the night.
Fruity Nutcake is a bully & so full of shit. What a fake ass broke down bitch. She told Patti I do nothing but stomp & clomp 24/7. It's so bad she can't use her living room & she's had to sleep in her car sometimes. Really? I thought it was your son that was bothered?? Sometimes she even sleeps in the bedroom closet.
Patti said she's over there crying just about everyday. I asked Patti if she ever lived in a garden style apartment before & apparently she hasn't. I told Patti that I think there is something that is/has upset Fruity Nutcake & she's taking it out this way. Patti was like: "You know her son is autistic, right? That's been hard for her". I told Patti I didn't think that was it. I'm not dismissing that her son has an issue, nor is it the issue in this instance. I told Patti that she needs to inform her that this is real life & that Fruity Nutcake needs to put her big girl panties on. I refuse to live on edge in my apartment. I mean, I've been crocheting every night, seriously, how much effing noise does that make?????
I talked with Patti for a bit, she said she would speak to her about the banging. I told Patti if I have to go down in the middle of the night to discuss it with her, it wouldn't go well at all. Finally, before I left, Patti showed me all the gifts Fruity Nutcake has brought over to her & to Dara, the other office girl. That's right. Fake tears & bribe gifts. I also informed Patti that her "claim" of not being able to use her living room is crap, her TV has been on every night, I see it on when I walk Hailey for the last time at night.
Now, I know I called her a bully. That came to light yesterday. I went to drop off my rent & had to put in a couple of work orders for things in my apartment. Patti told me that after I left on Tuesday, I hadn't even pulled out of my parking place & she saw Fruity Nutcake driving by & she noticed me at the office. She was gawking as she drove by. Yesterday Patti told me she hasn't been back since to complain, so she hasn't had an opportunity to talk with her about banging in the middle of the night. That's how I know she's a bully. First of all, she doesn't even know why I was at the office, whether I was discussing her or not. She assumed, obviously she assumed right. I don't know who Fruity Nutcake thought she was dealing with.
Patti told me they never even intended on coming to talk to me about the noise. My maintenance guy Gary told Patti exactly what I was like. So she's moving to a new building, 2nd floor apartment. Good for her. That building is worse. I told Patti her complaints won't stop. But she has 5 weeks to left here. She's been very quiet too. But I haven't. Not if, according to her I am making all sorts of crazy noise. So when I walk Hailey, I slam my door, but not at 10pm. I have held back on playing with Hailey & her ball, during the day, but I've let her have it. She squeaks it & chases it. Hailey doesn't understand why she can't play with her toy, she just knows she can't.
I imagine one of two things will happen. The next few weeks will be quiet or there is going to be a huge blow up. If there is a blow up, don't worry, I will share it with you!!
The boy (cat) is still waking me up extremely early in the morning. Obviously my talks are not working with him. On Tuesday, at 4am, he had me up. So I got up, shut Hailey in my bedroom, went to the bathroom, didn't flush my toilet, walked to my kitchen, gave the boy treats, got some for Hailey & walked back to my room. Fruity Nutcake decided to bang on the ceiling. WTF, really asshole???? REALLY?!?!?!?!
I was fired up. I got up & got ready at 6am, my heart was racing & my anxiety was off the charts. I waited for the management office to open up. At about 9am, I went to talk with Patti. I told her I never planned to come over to talk to her about the lady downstairs but it's getting out of control. I told her I was now concerned about getting up just to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I explained exactly what happened to Patti during the night.
Fruity Nutcake is a bully & so full of shit. What a fake ass broke down bitch. She told Patti I do nothing but stomp & clomp 24/7. It's so bad she can't use her living room & she's had to sleep in her car sometimes. Really? I thought it was your son that was bothered?? Sometimes she even sleeps in the bedroom closet.
Patti said she's over there crying just about everyday. I asked Patti if she ever lived in a garden style apartment before & apparently she hasn't. I told Patti that I think there is something that is/has upset Fruity Nutcake & she's taking it out this way. Patti was like: "You know her son is autistic, right? That's been hard for her". I told Patti I didn't think that was it. I'm not dismissing that her son has an issue, nor is it the issue in this instance. I told Patti that she needs to inform her that this is real life & that Fruity Nutcake needs to put her big girl panties on. I refuse to live on edge in my apartment. I mean, I've been crocheting every night, seriously, how much effing noise does that make?????
I talked with Patti for a bit, she said she would speak to her about the banging. I told Patti if I have to go down in the middle of the night to discuss it with her, it wouldn't go well at all. Finally, before I left, Patti showed me all the gifts Fruity Nutcake has brought over to her & to Dara, the other office girl. That's right. Fake tears & bribe gifts. I also informed Patti that her "claim" of not being able to use her living room is crap, her TV has been on every night, I see it on when I walk Hailey for the last time at night.
Now, I know I called her a bully. That came to light yesterday. I went to drop off my rent & had to put in a couple of work orders for things in my apartment. Patti told me that after I left on Tuesday, I hadn't even pulled out of my parking place & she saw Fruity Nutcake driving by & she noticed me at the office. She was gawking as she drove by. Yesterday Patti told me she hasn't been back since to complain, so she hasn't had an opportunity to talk with her about banging in the middle of the night. That's how I know she's a bully. First of all, she doesn't even know why I was at the office, whether I was discussing her or not. She assumed, obviously she assumed right. I don't know who Fruity Nutcake thought she was dealing with.
Patti told me they never even intended on coming to talk to me about the noise. My maintenance guy Gary told Patti exactly what I was like. So she's moving to a new building, 2nd floor apartment. Good for her. That building is worse. I told Patti her complaints won't stop. But she has 5 weeks to left here. She's been very quiet too. But I haven't. Not if, according to her I am making all sorts of crazy noise. So when I walk Hailey, I slam my door, but not at 10pm. I have held back on playing with Hailey & her ball, during the day, but I've let her have it. She squeaks it & chases it. Hailey doesn't understand why she can't play with her toy, she just knows she can't.
I imagine one of two things will happen. The next few weeks will be quiet or there is going to be a huge blow up. If there is a blow up, don't worry, I will share it with you!!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Before I get to my actual blog, I have to mention a couple of things.
First: Someone, somewhere (Facebook (FB), I think) reported my blog as being abusive. I couldn't post it to my wall, FB notified me as I was trying to post. I emailed them immediately explaining I've never had a problem & had to wait. So I shut the blog down from anyone trying to read it, until I either figured out who reported me or FB restored my ability. That lasted a whole 24 hours, as my ability to post to FB was restored, which is good because I have something to share with you.
Second: Please know that I would never ever make fun of anyone with a disability. That's just not funny. It's not going to happen here. I will however, point out if someone is an asshole or is funny. That stuff just makes for a better read.
OK, blog time....
As I have mentioned, my street name is Wits End. It's not a joke. I moved here when I was getting divorced. It's the only place I could find that would allow me to have a dog. So the building I live in is a dog building. 95% of us here have 1 or more dogs. I am not sure if I mentioned but the Rock star with the asshole dogs moved about. Apparently he was a disgusting pig. There was poo in the bathroom baseboard heater. I don't know how it got there nor do I want to know. I met the new woman who lives below me when she was moving in. She explained it was going to be her & her son who is 23. Mind you, we have 1 bedroom apartments. He will get the bedroom & she will be sleeping on a pull out in the living room. Her son is autistic that is why he is still with her. I apologized in advance for Hailey & her hopping around, she behaves like a mule deer & sometimes sounds like a horse. They've been here about a week.
While on my blog shut down, she opened the door to talk to me yesterday morning. The conversation went something like this:
New Neighbor (NN): I wanted to ask you if you could keep the noise down at 4am. The floor really squeaks a lot & it wakes us up & when my son gets woken up he gets agitated & then can't go back to sleep. I've been sleeping in his closet.
Me: So sorry. I don't know why they (the cat & dog) have been getting up at 4am. I don't want to be up then & I have been trying to fix that problem.
NN: well the floors squeak, & it's just very noisy & I've been sleeping in the closet.
Me: Well, I've had conversations with the cat & dog explaining that I don't want to be up then & they don't need to be either & we should try sleeping until 6am.
NN: Could you try again?
Me: Sure, I will try & explain & rationalize to a cat & dog why they shouldn't be up at 4am.
NN: Ok thanks, sorry sweetheart, I'm not trying to be a pain.
Me: Sure, I will go talk to them now.
Yes. That was my conversation. I looked her straight in the eye & said I would talk to Hailey & the boy & explain that they shouldn't get up or be so noisy. And I did just that. All day, I mentioned it to them.
And really, sleeping in the closet?? Come on now. If I get up & feed them, it's a matter of 10 minutes. Not really worthy of sleeping in the closet. Seriously.
When it was bedtime, I propped my door shut just enough that the cat could get in & out, but Hailey was forced to stay with me. Hailey is a good sleeper with a couple of exceptions: when her pill makes her sick to her stomach & when there is a thunder storm. The boy, on the other hand, is a real pain. He is very smart & does things, scratches the metal cover where the air conditioner would go, because it's loud. He sits on the bed & meows at Hailey to wake her up. He runs like a wildebeest from the living room to the bedroom & across the bed & whoever is sleeping. He is the problem. I have tried breaking up their meals into 4 small ones instead of 2 big ones. Extra treats. Ignoring them. Nothing works. I don't know what to do.
Last night, he started at 4am. Hailey was forced to stay in the bedroom & pace instead of being able to get out into the living room with the hardwood floors. Here I am telling him to cut the shit & telling Hailey to get back in her bed. Around 5am, an hour of this, I had to go to the bathroom. While trying to be sympathetic to her request, I was slightly annoyed & felt like a prisoner in my bedroom. Plus, I really had to go. So I turned my light on, which instantly causes Hailey to jump up out of her bed. I sneak out of the bedroom, keeping her locked in, go to the bathroom, go to the kitchen quick, give the cat some treats & grab some for Hailey. When I get back in the bedroom, I prop the door again & give Hailey her snack. By the time I turned my light back off, Hailey was already sound asleep & snoring in her bed. Not another peep out of the boy either. I was awake until about 6am, I started to doze & at about 7am I got up to feed the first portion of breakfast. Then we all went back to bed, but I didn't really sleep.
They aren't home right now. I don't know if she is going to complain to me any more. I hope not. I really don't want to be up at 4am or wake my neighbors up. Before she even moved in I have been trying to find a solution to this problem.
Also, I don't know why she chose this apartment complex. I know of a place where she could get a 2 bedroom apartment much cheaper than what she is paying here & they don't allow dogs there. As I mentioned, she did move into a dog building. While I will make efforts to keep the middle of the night noise down, it may not always be perfect. When it isn't perfect she will need to suck it up sometimes. I may seem bitchy & it could be because I'm tired & being up in the middle of the night AND becoming frustrated will make anyone bitchy.
If anyone has tips on how to help me with this, I would appreciate them. Please don't suggest I lock them out of the bedroom. The cat will beat the door until I let him in. I keep Hailey close because sometimes during the night she has panicky itchy fits & get up to keep her calm. I also feed them their final meal just before lights out. So if you have something different to suggest, please share.
First: Someone, somewhere (Facebook (FB), I think) reported my blog as being abusive. I couldn't post it to my wall, FB notified me as I was trying to post. I emailed them immediately explaining I've never had a problem & had to wait. So I shut the blog down from anyone trying to read it, until I either figured out who reported me or FB restored my ability. That lasted a whole 24 hours, as my ability to post to FB was restored, which is good because I have something to share with you.
Second: Please know that I would never ever make fun of anyone with a disability. That's just not funny. It's not going to happen here. I will however, point out if someone is an asshole or is funny. That stuff just makes for a better read.
OK, blog time....
As I have mentioned, my street name is Wits End. It's not a joke. I moved here when I was getting divorced. It's the only place I could find that would allow me to have a dog. So the building I live in is a dog building. 95% of us here have 1 or more dogs. I am not sure if I mentioned but the Rock star with the asshole dogs moved about. Apparently he was a disgusting pig. There was poo in the bathroom baseboard heater. I don't know how it got there nor do I want to know. I met the new woman who lives below me when she was moving in. She explained it was going to be her & her son who is 23. Mind you, we have 1 bedroom apartments. He will get the bedroom & she will be sleeping on a pull out in the living room. Her son is autistic that is why he is still with her. I apologized in advance for Hailey & her hopping around, she behaves like a mule deer & sometimes sounds like a horse. They've been here about a week.
While on my blog shut down, she opened the door to talk to me yesterday morning. The conversation went something like this:
New Neighbor (NN): I wanted to ask you if you could keep the noise down at 4am. The floor really squeaks a lot & it wakes us up & when my son gets woken up he gets agitated & then can't go back to sleep. I've been sleeping in his closet.
Me: So sorry. I don't know why they (the cat & dog) have been getting up at 4am. I don't want to be up then & I have been trying to fix that problem.
NN: well the floors squeak, & it's just very noisy & I've been sleeping in the closet.
Me: Well, I've had conversations with the cat & dog explaining that I don't want to be up then & they don't need to be either & we should try sleeping until 6am.
NN: Could you try again?
Me: Sure, I will try & explain & rationalize to a cat & dog why they shouldn't be up at 4am.
NN: Ok thanks, sorry sweetheart, I'm not trying to be a pain.
Me: Sure, I will go talk to them now.
Yes. That was my conversation. I looked her straight in the eye & said I would talk to Hailey & the boy & explain that they shouldn't get up or be so noisy. And I did just that. All day, I mentioned it to them.
And really, sleeping in the closet?? Come on now. If I get up & feed them, it's a matter of 10 minutes. Not really worthy of sleeping in the closet. Seriously.
When it was bedtime, I propped my door shut just enough that the cat could get in & out, but Hailey was forced to stay with me. Hailey is a good sleeper with a couple of exceptions: when her pill makes her sick to her stomach & when there is a thunder storm. The boy, on the other hand, is a real pain. He is very smart & does things, scratches the metal cover where the air conditioner would go, because it's loud. He sits on the bed & meows at Hailey to wake her up. He runs like a wildebeest from the living room to the bedroom & across the bed & whoever is sleeping. He is the problem. I have tried breaking up their meals into 4 small ones instead of 2 big ones. Extra treats. Ignoring them. Nothing works. I don't know what to do.
Last night, he started at 4am. Hailey was forced to stay in the bedroom & pace instead of being able to get out into the living room with the hardwood floors. Here I am telling him to cut the shit & telling Hailey to get back in her bed. Around 5am, an hour of this, I had to go to the bathroom. While trying to be sympathetic to her request, I was slightly annoyed & felt like a prisoner in my bedroom. Plus, I really had to go. So I turned my light on, which instantly causes Hailey to jump up out of her bed. I sneak out of the bedroom, keeping her locked in, go to the bathroom, go to the kitchen quick, give the cat some treats & grab some for Hailey. When I get back in the bedroom, I prop the door again & give Hailey her snack. By the time I turned my light back off, Hailey was already sound asleep & snoring in her bed. Not another peep out of the boy either. I was awake until about 6am, I started to doze & at about 7am I got up to feed the first portion of breakfast. Then we all went back to bed, but I didn't really sleep.
They aren't home right now. I don't know if she is going to complain to me any more. I hope not. I really don't want to be up at 4am or wake my neighbors up. Before she even moved in I have been trying to find a solution to this problem.
Also, I don't know why she chose this apartment complex. I know of a place where she could get a 2 bedroom apartment much cheaper than what she is paying here & they don't allow dogs there. As I mentioned, she did move into a dog building. While I will make efforts to keep the middle of the night noise down, it may not always be perfect. When it isn't perfect she will need to suck it up sometimes. I may seem bitchy & it could be because I'm tired & being up in the middle of the night AND becoming frustrated will make anyone bitchy.
If anyone has tips on how to help me with this, I would appreciate them. Please don't suggest I lock them out of the bedroom. The cat will beat the door until I let him in. I keep Hailey close because sometimes during the night she has panicky itchy fits & get up to keep her calm. I also feed them their final meal just before lights out. So if you have something different to suggest, please share.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
I woke up in the midst of a very awful dream this morning. I was so upset. Then, when I turned on the TV a song came on that seemed to confirm my dream. Terrible. I got even more upset. Then I get a text message from someone at work that said "I'm bored". I responded "I've been bored for 8 months". Really? Someone WHO HAS A JOB is going to text me saying they're bored? This happens frequently. I get "I'm bored", "I need a day off", "I wish I didn't have to work". I don't think the person to complain about your job to is me. I haven't worked in 8 months. I like to and want to work and can't seem to find a job. How about I call your boss & express your feelings then offer myself for the position? Would you like that? This is the same person who complains about their partner. Apparently life could have been done better if they didn't get married. Really? If you're so unhappy, get divorced. It's easy nowadays. I know. It's exhausting to hear how someone is useless, incapable and dumb. Weren't you aware of any of this before you got married? If you weren't give that person an Oscar for their amazing acting performance & convincing you to marry them. It takes two to tango. If you completely enable a person to the point where you have to do everything because they don't do it and know you will, you don't get the right to complain. Frankly, I should be bitter about marriage but I'm not. Mine didn't work out because we were not the right people for each other and we had to do some growing up. I look forward to getting married again. I honestly like the idea of having someone to come home to (when I have a job) to talk about my day with over dinner. I like having someone with me at night and in the morning. I wish I knew then what I know now. I would have done things a lot different, like not get married or be in that toxic relationship. People have "discussions" because they don't always agree about everything. It's ok to have separate interests & separate things to do but also to have things to do together. It's good to have responsibilities to be held accountable for. No one should feel like they are being held back. People that are in relationships, married or not need to grow in the same direction. If that doesn't happen then someone is going to get left behind. These things were lacking in my marriage, but the next time, I know I can and will do it better. I know what I want now. I guess what I'm saying is I'm the wrong person to complain to. If you can't fix what's fucked up about your relationship, or you can't find some joy about doing your job then I don't want to hear it. Those are your faults and I will not be validating them. Sorry. You really need to make the best of your life, now. Live in the moments, be thankful for everything, even if it doesn't seem important. Don't wallow in the past about how you could have done things different. Can't change it now. Don't let something or someone special pass you by. Enjoy every moment. I effing hate NJ today for making me grow up and realizing I can be a better person. Blah. Eff it all.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
I've been awake since 3am. It's now 10am. I don't sleep much. How do you think I catch all the Sleep Talking Jay tidbits? I'm one of those people who doesn't have any trouble falling asleep, I can't stay asleep. I can't shut my brain off.
I rethink/over think/pre-think everything and anything on top of worrying about anything & everything. I think about how I should have handled something. I think about things that bother me or have hurt me. I think about how things should be, well how I would like things to be anyway. Needless to say, with being unemployed, I don't get a lot of sleep. That's why I've been up for 7 hours already. Anyway.....
I'm loving the Career Center. I've met a lot of nice people, including Windy. He's grown on me. We all seem to help each other learn. I especially like Dorothy, the teacher, a lot. She's just wonderful. I've noticed a few things about the Career Center though.
There isn't enough of Dorothy to go around. There are some student helpers in the class but it's still not enough. There are a couple of people learning to read, write & speak English. Dorothy is helping others get ready for the GED exam. Then there are people learning computer type "stuff". It's as basic as learning to use a computer because some people don't even know how to do that to people like me who are brushing up on regularly used programs & learning new programs. But I also noticed something else yesterday....
I sat next to a woman who usually sits a couple of computers away from me. We have assigned work stations, because folders are set up for us. I'm not going to mention her name just because it isn't necessary. As we were talking, mostly her, I realized that her self confidence is non-existent. I know how it feels to lose a job. I know what it's like to feel worthless. The difference, and it maybe it has to do with being younger, but I know it will get better. Yes, I have had my "funks" and I still do. But I haven't let it beat me down. In talking, I believe that is what happened to her. I believe that is what has happened & still happening with people who have lost their jobs. So instead of working on my program, I spent the time helping her....and talking.
I showed her how to log on to a website & search for a job. I helped her apply for a job by helping her write a cover letter, explaining that her email doubled as a cover letter. I showed her how to use her flash drive. I showed her how to organize her email better. She asked me to teach her how to text, her kids don't want her to know how, but she feels she should so I helped her with that. All the while we talked. She kept telling me she feels so lost & confused. I know that has to do with her confidence level. I told her that no matter what, she's not going to ruin anything, sometimes mistakes happen, but everything is fixable. She just has to try. To keep trying and to never stop trying.
She was in really good spirits when she left for the day. Pat (Windy) told me it was really nice that I helped her. Ironically, 2 days before that, I was helping him with PowerPoint & he said he learned more in the time with me than he did on his own. When I was done with what I was doing I asked Dorothy if I could talk with her for a few moments.
Possibly a little ballsy on my part, but I wanted to talk with Dorothy about the Career Center and if they had anything in place to help with self confidence & basic skills in preparation of applying/getting jobs. Let me digress for a moment......
I figured out a long time my purpose on this earth is to help people. I just haven't know in what capacity. It's now starting to present itself to me. I knew way back, when I worked in the group home my purpose. As staff, we each were a Primary Mentor to one kid in the group home. The first one I had felt she was entitled to have me buy things for her & she'd be nice to me. Guess what? That didn't work out so well. She eventually ran away & I was assigned a new girl. We did fun things together but we also did important stuff too. I would take her to get applications for jobs & help her fill them out & helped her follow up on them. We would have important talks. She was preparing to go back home to live with her mom, but she didn't get along with her step dad. I told her to have a talk with him about finding some peaceful agreement, that they both loved her mom. They talked and when she went home, everything was working out great.
I've always thought about how well she did. It also occurred to me that there are things not learned in any school. Nothing in place to help confidence and self esteem. So that's what I talked with Dorothy about. I have some ideas and I shared them with her. Do you know what she told me? She told me to write out how things could be presented & discussed in a tactful way!!! Me!!! I'm rather excited! This will be good for me for a lot of reasons.
Now, I'm off to start writing out all of my ideas and suggestions!!! Stay tuned!!!!
I rethink/over think/pre-think everything and anything on top of worrying about anything & everything. I think about how I should have handled something. I think about things that bother me or have hurt me. I think about how things should be, well how I would like things to be anyway. Needless to say, with being unemployed, I don't get a lot of sleep. That's why I've been up for 7 hours already. Anyway.....
I'm loving the Career Center. I've met a lot of nice people, including Windy. He's grown on me. We all seem to help each other learn. I especially like Dorothy, the teacher, a lot. She's just wonderful. I've noticed a few things about the Career Center though.
There isn't enough of Dorothy to go around. There are some student helpers in the class but it's still not enough. There are a couple of people learning to read, write & speak English. Dorothy is helping others get ready for the GED exam. Then there are people learning computer type "stuff". It's as basic as learning to use a computer because some people don't even know how to do that to people like me who are brushing up on regularly used programs & learning new programs. But I also noticed something else yesterday....
I sat next to a woman who usually sits a couple of computers away from me. We have assigned work stations, because folders are set up for us. I'm not going to mention her name just because it isn't necessary. As we were talking, mostly her, I realized that her self confidence is non-existent. I know how it feels to lose a job. I know what it's like to feel worthless. The difference, and it maybe it has to do with being younger, but I know it will get better. Yes, I have had my "funks" and I still do. But I haven't let it beat me down. In talking, I believe that is what happened to her. I believe that is what has happened & still happening with people who have lost their jobs. So instead of working on my program, I spent the time helping her....and talking.
I showed her how to log on to a website & search for a job. I helped her apply for a job by helping her write a cover letter, explaining that her email doubled as a cover letter. I showed her how to use her flash drive. I showed her how to organize her email better. She asked me to teach her how to text, her kids don't want her to know how, but she feels she should so I helped her with that. All the while we talked. She kept telling me she feels so lost & confused. I know that has to do with her confidence level. I told her that no matter what, she's not going to ruin anything, sometimes mistakes happen, but everything is fixable. She just has to try. To keep trying and to never stop trying.
She was in really good spirits when she left for the day. Pat (Windy) told me it was really nice that I helped her. Ironically, 2 days before that, I was helping him with PowerPoint & he said he learned more in the time with me than he did on his own. When I was done with what I was doing I asked Dorothy if I could talk with her for a few moments.
Possibly a little ballsy on my part, but I wanted to talk with Dorothy about the Career Center and if they had anything in place to help with self confidence & basic skills in preparation of applying/getting jobs. Let me digress for a moment......
I figured out a long time my purpose on this earth is to help people. I just haven't know in what capacity. It's now starting to present itself to me. I knew way back, when I worked in the group home my purpose. As staff, we each were a Primary Mentor to one kid in the group home. The first one I had felt she was entitled to have me buy things for her & she'd be nice to me. Guess what? That didn't work out so well. She eventually ran away & I was assigned a new girl. We did fun things together but we also did important stuff too. I would take her to get applications for jobs & help her fill them out & helped her follow up on them. We would have important talks. She was preparing to go back home to live with her mom, but she didn't get along with her step dad. I told her to have a talk with him about finding some peaceful agreement, that they both loved her mom. They talked and when she went home, everything was working out great.
I've always thought about how well she did. It also occurred to me that there are things not learned in any school. Nothing in place to help confidence and self esteem. So that's what I talked with Dorothy about. I have some ideas and I shared them with her. Do you know what she told me? She told me to write out how things could be presented & discussed in a tactful way!!! Me!!! I'm rather excited! This will be good for me for a lot of reasons.
Now, I'm off to start writing out all of my ideas and suggestions!!! Stay tuned!!!!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Conversations at Wits End
So in the last week, I had 2 odd conversations. One was with my maintenance guy, who is nice, & one was with the cable guy, who was weird.
Last week I was doing laundry in the laundry room here at Wits End. I actually had my hair down, usually it's pulled into a ponytail because I typically do laundry after I go to the gym. I had actually showered because I was running errands as well. Anyway, he walked into the laundry room & this is how it went down:
MG(Maintenance Guy): Hi, did you do something different to your hair?
Me: I had it colored darker than what it was, it's a bit dark, I'm hoping it will fade.
MG: Oh, yeah, it is dark, I'd ask you if you're going for the Goth look, but your hair isn't straight & hanging in your face.
Me: Uh, no that isn't a look I'm trying to work.
MG: Good.
Nice. Mind you, I saw him 2 days before because he was in my apartment putting new thermostats in & my hair was done then.
Next one!!
I switched to a bundle pack in my cable, so I could save money, so they came to install my new phone. I was at the mercy of the cable company as I had to sit here between 8:30am & 12:30pm. I had tentative plans on seeing a friend, should the cable guy be there first thing, so I showered, got dressed (I put a real bra & jeans on) & I put makeup on.
Another thing you should know. I was paranoid. I watch way too many crime shows: Criminal Minds, CSI, Law & Order, America's Most Wanted, you name it. I just watched an episode of CSI where a pest guy raped a girl. Jay said I don't have to worry, I'm not a small girl & no one would bother me. I begged to differ because should a perpetrator have a firearm, I would be no match to that. Jay reminded me I had a 6lb weight bar I could swing, but I told him it wouldn't go well when I asked if I could go get my weight bar to defend myself.
Anyway, I was worried that my heart was going to be carved out of my chest. The perils of living alone. So here is this random & odd conversation:
CG(Cable Guy): I'm your neighbor, I live on Overlook.
Me: You rent from Carlton Village? (I was also wondering if he lives so close, why wasn't he here first thing.)
CG: Yes. Do you live alone?
Me: Yes.
CG: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Yes.
CG: Are you engaged?
Me: No.
CG: Are you going to get married?
Me: No.
CG: Is he going to ask you to marry him?
Me: No.
CG: Why not?
Me: Because he doesn't want to marry anyone.
CG: Oh, that's too bad. Do you have kids?
Me: No.
CG: How old are you?
Me: I'm going to be 35.
CG: For real?? I thought you were only 24!
Me: No, I'm older than I look, thanks.
CG: Is that your real eye color or are those contacts?
Me: It's my real eye color.
CG: Oh, it's nice.
Me: Thank you.
CG: Ok, this is how you set up your new phone.......
He found his professionalism then. Mind you, when this conversation was taking place, my heart was racing & all I could think was "This is it, my heart is going to be cut right out of my chest".
When he left I never ran down my stairs so fast to lock & put the chain on the door. There is an outer door that you can only get in with a key but still.....
And that would conclude some conversations held at Wits End.
Last week I was doing laundry in the laundry room here at Wits End. I actually had my hair down, usually it's pulled into a ponytail because I typically do laundry after I go to the gym. I had actually showered because I was running errands as well. Anyway, he walked into the laundry room & this is how it went down:
MG(Maintenance Guy): Hi, did you do something different to your hair?
Me: I had it colored darker than what it was, it's a bit dark, I'm hoping it will fade.
MG: Oh, yeah, it is dark, I'd ask you if you're going for the Goth look, but your hair isn't straight & hanging in your face.
Me: Uh, no that isn't a look I'm trying to work.
MG: Good.
Nice. Mind you, I saw him 2 days before because he was in my apartment putting new thermostats in & my hair was done then.
Next one!!
I switched to a bundle pack in my cable, so I could save money, so they came to install my new phone. I was at the mercy of the cable company as I had to sit here between 8:30am & 12:30pm. I had tentative plans on seeing a friend, should the cable guy be there first thing, so I showered, got dressed (I put a real bra & jeans on) & I put makeup on.
Another thing you should know. I was paranoid. I watch way too many crime shows: Criminal Minds, CSI, Law & Order, America's Most Wanted, you name it. I just watched an episode of CSI where a pest guy raped a girl. Jay said I don't have to worry, I'm not a small girl & no one would bother me. I begged to differ because should a perpetrator have a firearm, I would be no match to that. Jay reminded me I had a 6lb weight bar I could swing, but I told him it wouldn't go well when I asked if I could go get my weight bar to defend myself.
Anyway, I was worried that my heart was going to be carved out of my chest. The perils of living alone. So here is this random & odd conversation:
CG(Cable Guy): I'm your neighbor, I live on Overlook.
Me: You rent from Carlton Village? (I was also wondering if he lives so close, why wasn't he here first thing.)
CG: Yes. Do you live alone?
Me: Yes.
CG: Do you have a boyfriend?
Me: Yes.
CG: Are you engaged?
Me: No.
CG: Are you going to get married?
Me: No.
CG: Is he going to ask you to marry him?
Me: No.
CG: Why not?
Me: Because he doesn't want to marry anyone.
CG: Oh, that's too bad. Do you have kids?
Me: No.
CG: How old are you?
Me: I'm going to be 35.
CG: For real?? I thought you were only 24!
Me: No, I'm older than I look, thanks.
CG: Is that your real eye color or are those contacts?
Me: It's my real eye color.
CG: Oh, it's nice.
Me: Thank you.
CG: Ok, this is how you set up your new phone.......
He found his professionalism then. Mind you, when this conversation was taking place, my heart was racing & all I could think was "This is it, my heart is going to be cut right out of my chest".
When he left I never ran down my stairs so fast to lock & put the chain on the door. There is an outer door that you can only get in with a key but still.....
And that would conclude some conversations held at Wits End.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
No, I'm not in one. Trust me.
There aren't many people who have ever heard the story about my very first adventure into NYC. It was roughly 13 years ago. I went with the ex & his friend to see this band. I was told it was a good band. Apparently we all had different definitions of "good".
We went to see this band called Crisis. The lead singer's name is Karyn Crisis. Here is a picture of Karyn for your viewing pleasure:

Pretty girl. I didn't know how to feel. I'm in my little corner. This next picture it exactly how she looked when she came out:

If you can't really tell, those are some angel wings. Real feathers too. So, at this point, there is some music playing, no vocals yet. People are just in awe (or something) of her. I was fascinated by all of them & her. You just don't see shit like this in Lockport, NY.
I'm about to include a video, so you can get an idea of EXACTLY what I experienced that night. Be prepared. It was as if her "vocals", a term we will use very loosely here, were the command to start this mass of people slamming into one another. Maybe, just maybe, her "vocals" were causing seizures, but I'm not too sure about that. Consider yourself warned:
I honestly was not sure what to think. There was this sea of people slamming off of each other. People were jumping off the stage. I watched a guy stage dive & he landed on some girl & she was punching him to get off of her. When he stood up he pulled his fist back ready to fight. WTF?? I was no where near this swarm & I ended up getting pushed down on top of some guy. It wasn't good for either of us, in case you were wondering.
Needless to say I have never seen Crisis again, nor do I want to. One time was one time too many.
And that, was part of my first trip to NJ, first trip to NYC. Is anyone shocked I am still here or that I even came back???
There aren't many people who have ever heard the story about my very first adventure into NYC. It was roughly 13 years ago. I went with the ex & his friend to see this band. I was told it was a good band. Apparently we all had different definitions of "good".
We went to see this band called Crisis. The lead singer's name is Karyn Crisis. Here is a picture of Karyn for your viewing pleasure:

Pretty girl. I didn't know how to feel. I'm in my little corner. This next picture it exactly how she looked when she came out:

If you can't really tell, those are some angel wings. Real feathers too. So, at this point, there is some music playing, no vocals yet. People are just in awe (or something) of her. I was fascinated by all of them & her. You just don't see shit like this in Lockport, NY.
I'm about to include a video, so you can get an idea of EXACTLY what I experienced that night. Be prepared. It was as if her "vocals", a term we will use very loosely here, were the command to start this mass of people slamming into one another. Maybe, just maybe, her "vocals" were causing seizures, but I'm not too sure about that. Consider yourself warned:
I honestly was not sure what to think. There was this sea of people slamming off of each other. People were jumping off the stage. I watched a guy stage dive & he landed on some girl & she was punching him to get off of her. When he stood up he pulled his fist back ready to fight. WTF?? I was no where near this swarm & I ended up getting pushed down on top of some guy. It wasn't good for either of us, in case you were wondering.
Needless to say I have never seen Crisis again, nor do I want to. One time was one time too many.
And that, was part of my first trip to NJ, first trip to NYC. Is anyone shocked I am still here or that I even came back???
Friday, January 28, 2011
Sleep Talking Jay
Poor Jay. I sure do write about him a lot. I don't write all the things I would like to, because some stuff just stays between Jay & I. It wouldn't be as special plus some of you might be jealous. You do have to know Jay is a good guy AND a good sport since I do write about his sleep talking!!
Last Monday night, I have no idea what Jay was dreaming about. I'm also starting to think I need to set up a video or audio recording device, just so he can hear what he says & does!!! So as I mentioned, I don't know what Jay was dreaming about. I just know he said "mmmm hmmmm" a few times & was giggling up a storm. It was pretty funny!
The next night, yes, sometimes Jay is pretty eventful more than one night in a row. I haven't been a sound sleeper lately, and can usually pin point when "things" are about to happen. Jay does this weird thing where his arm shoots into the air. Don't ask, I don't know why. Next thing I know he yells "yeah, sure it's almost done", puts his arm down & goes back to sleep. I can't explain it, but it is pretty funny.
I'm really glad that he doesn't get mad when I share these funny stories about him.
Here's to another addition of Sleep Talking Jay!!!
Last Monday night, I have no idea what Jay was dreaming about. I'm also starting to think I need to set up a video or audio recording device, just so he can hear what he says & does!!! So as I mentioned, I don't know what Jay was dreaming about. I just know he said "mmmm hmmmm" a few times & was giggling up a storm. It was pretty funny!
The next night, yes, sometimes Jay is pretty eventful more than one night in a row. I haven't been a sound sleeper lately, and can usually pin point when "things" are about to happen. Jay does this weird thing where his arm shoots into the air. Don't ask, I don't know why. Next thing I know he yells "yeah, sure it's almost done", puts his arm down & goes back to sleep. I can't explain it, but it is pretty funny.
I'm really glad that he doesn't get mad when I share these funny stories about him.
Here's to another addition of Sleep Talking Jay!!!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Nun Ship
I'm not sure many people even know this story. It's a pretty old one. I don't know why it popped into my head either. It's pretty funny.
Years ago, when I had my first apartment in NJ, my downstairs neighbor was getting married. We had become friends & had been hanging out. Her maid of honor was planning a girl's night out. I offered to be the designated driver that night.
So we get out to a local place near us & her friend starts chatting it up with some guys. She was looking for some "company". I was there purely to be entertained.
So as we are sitting there chatting, this drunk guy named Bill came up to me & asked why I wasn't drinking. I told him I was the designated driver & not drinking. He asked me what kind of person does that so I told him a person who was going into the Nun Ship doesn't drink & drive & that we were trying something new out. I told him there was a new program with the Nun Ship where we come out in civilian clothes, being designated drivers for women so they get home safe & sound. Before any one corrects me, yes, I know nuns go into convents. That's pretty funny you know. And I did make all this up as it was happening. I'm good like that!!
He told me with how I looked I didn't belong with the nuns. Apparently nuns aren't well endowed. Then he asked me why I had an engagement ring on. I told him that it stood for my impending marriage to God. He was believing every single word I said. So as the night went on he kept asking if I really wanted to commit my life to God, looking the way I did.
The funny part was this guy had a friend who was sober. He was a really nice guy & he totally knew I was bullshitting his friend. He laughed every time I made something up. He & I laughed pretty hard when it was time to go.
THAT my friends is a 100% true & authentic Elizabeth story. Take me with you to a bar one night, I will show you, in person how it's done!!!
Years ago, when I had my first apartment in NJ, my downstairs neighbor was getting married. We had become friends & had been hanging out. Her maid of honor was planning a girl's night out. I offered to be the designated driver that night.
So we get out to a local place near us & her friend starts chatting it up with some guys. She was looking for some "company". I was there purely to be entertained.
So as we are sitting there chatting, this drunk guy named Bill came up to me & asked why I wasn't drinking. I told him I was the designated driver & not drinking. He asked me what kind of person does that so I told him a person who was going into the Nun Ship doesn't drink & drive & that we were trying something new out. I told him there was a new program with the Nun Ship where we come out in civilian clothes, being designated drivers for women so they get home safe & sound. Before any one corrects me, yes, I know nuns go into convents. That's pretty funny you know. And I did make all this up as it was happening. I'm good like that!!
He told me with how I looked I didn't belong with the nuns. Apparently nuns aren't well endowed. Then he asked me why I had an engagement ring on. I told him that it stood for my impending marriage to God. He was believing every single word I said. So as the night went on he kept asking if I really wanted to commit my life to God, looking the way I did.
The funny part was this guy had a friend who was sober. He was a really nice guy & he totally knew I was bullshitting his friend. He laughed every time I made something up. He & I laughed pretty hard when it was time to go.
THAT my friends is a 100% true & authentic Elizabeth story. Take me with you to a bar one night, I will show you, in person how it's done!!!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
I have a some things to share. I do have a Sleep Talking Jay entry. It isn't long enough to dedicate to whole blog post but I still have to share it. The other morning, it was early & the boy (my cat) was running around like a nut because he wanted breakfast. We live in a shoe box & or some reason he revs his engines & comes running from my dining area & streaks across the bed. As he ran over the bed & Jay, Jay sat up, put his hand out & said "Keep 'em coming". Why? I don't know, but it made me laugh out loud!!!!
I may have to start a new section called "Texts From Jay". I got one today, that, well, I just didn't understand. This is what I got: So I was in jail this morning, I had Rallo from The Cleveland Show as my cell mate and my bail was for 2 dozen chicken wings. WTF??? I read it 10 times & had no idea what he was talking about. Jay said this was his dream this morning, that he actually remembered!!! WOW!!! I'm starting to understand why Jay says some of the things he does in his sleep!!! Boy, does he make me laugh!!!
Now I have something sweet to share. My friend Heather & her BFF Carla (who is a friend in my head) have a wonderful website called Besties Photo a Day. It's a lovely way 2 best friends stay in touch through photos. It's more than just photos, you can feel their emotions - happy, sad, excitement, you name it. I'm hoping by my posting about it, it generates more traffic for them. They have monetized their blog with ads so they can save up for a plane ticket so they can visit each other. I'm hoping this helps them just a little bit. Please take the time to see how great these girls and their photos are. It is worth the time. Makes your heart feel warm.
I may have to start a new section called "Texts From Jay". I got one today, that, well, I just didn't understand. This is what I got: So I was in jail this morning, I had Rallo from The Cleveland Show as my cell mate and my bail was for 2 dozen chicken wings. WTF??? I read it 10 times & had no idea what he was talking about. Jay said this was his dream this morning, that he actually remembered!!! WOW!!! I'm starting to understand why Jay says some of the things he does in his sleep!!! Boy, does he make me laugh!!!
Now I have something sweet to share. My friend Heather & her BFF Carla (who is a friend in my head) have a wonderful website called Besties Photo a Day. It's a lovely way 2 best friends stay in touch through photos. It's more than just photos, you can feel their emotions - happy, sad, excitement, you name it. I'm hoping by my posting about it, it generates more traffic for them. They have monetized their blog with ads so they can save up for a plane ticket so they can visit each other. I'm hoping this helps them just a little bit. Please take the time to see how great these girls and their photos are. It is worth the time. Makes your heart feel warm.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sleep Talking Jay
So we have another installment of Sleep Talking Jay. This is from Sunday night.
I should say that when I met Jay, I was very attracted to his sense of humor & his wit. He's really funny when he's awake & that, apparently, continues when he's sleeping!! Sometimes, I wonder where it all comes from & I'm pretty sure it's not going to end!!
The other night, is the middle of the night, Jay was sleeping on his left side with his back to me. I'm not a very deep sleeper so I do hear sounds, Hailey itching herself or coughing or snoring. Things like that. It's also why I hear Jay. This is what I heard:
"Psssst, here kitty, come on, come here, pssst pssst, come on, come here".
He had his head lifted, he was patting the covers & moving his arm to get the cat to come to him. Now, my cat does sleep in the bed, but he sleeps snuggled up by me, so I'm not sure who Jay was calling.
He's so funny!!!
I should say that when I met Jay, I was very attracted to his sense of humor & his wit. He's really funny when he's awake & that, apparently, continues when he's sleeping!! Sometimes, I wonder where it all comes from & I'm pretty sure it's not going to end!!
The other night, is the middle of the night, Jay was sleeping on his left side with his back to me. I'm not a very deep sleeper so I do hear sounds, Hailey itching herself or coughing or snoring. Things like that. It's also why I hear Jay. This is what I heard:
"Psssst, here kitty, come on, come here, pssst pssst, come on, come here".
He had his head lifted, he was patting the covers & moving his arm to get the cat to come to him. Now, my cat does sleep in the bed, but he sleeps snuggled up by me, so I'm not sure who Jay was calling.
He's so funny!!!
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