Saturday, January 14, 2012


So you all know I live at Wits End, literally.....and figuratively.  I've also written about my neighbors.  Specifically, my lower neighbors.  For 6 months I had awesome neighbors.  An elderly couple, Nancy & John.  I adored them.  Such a sweet couple, with wonderful kids.  But they moved out & that has made me sad.  I also really enjoy my neighbor Maryellen & her boyfriend Bill.  Maryellen has the most wonderful pit bull mix dog, Rufus & German Shepard Sadie, who both adore my Hailey girl.  Recently, I got new neighbors downstairs.

What Maryellen has gotten from the office is it's a young woman & her 4 year old daughter & their pit bull.

***Disclaimer - I have nothing against pit bulls.  I believe the breed gets a bad rap because of how they are raised/trained etc.

Maryellen said the office advised the young woman downstairs that is there is one complaint about the dog, the dog has to go.  Maryellen spoke with the young woman who assured her several times in one conversation that the dog is friendly.  When I walk Hailey & we pass the door since we share an entryway, the dog scratches, barks, snarls & body slams the door.  It scares Hailey & sometimes I have trouble getting her back inside.  But that isn't really what I'm writing about.

These fuckers downstairs make noise constantly.  LOUD noise, constantly.  Rolling, slamming, banging.  CONSTANTLY.  For hours at a time.  I'm not joking.  One night, in less than a minute, they slammed open & closed the slider 7 times.  7 fucking times in less than a minute!!!!  Right now, there is rolling & banging & running going on, along with a radio I can hear - all over my TV which isn't even at a loud level.  And this is constant.

When they were moving in, they were using a power saw out back to build something.  Oh, which their little deck area.....the Christmas tree is still lying back there, rather than put it in the dumpster 15 feet away, they just left it out there.  We haven't determined what was being built.

Aside from the constant noise, there have been at least 3 different guys there.  We aren't sure what the deal is, but they are there, often.  Jay suggested that maybe it's a flop house.  I don't think that's what it is, but you never know.  We just really wonder what the constant noise is all about.  One night, Jay had headphones in watching videos on youtube & he could still hear the noise.

I have told the office, which they tell me to call the emergency line, that maybe they don't realize they are making that much noise.  They are quiet (with an occasional slam) during the night, so they do have some apartment etiquette.  I told the office yesterday that if Fruity Nutcake thought I was loud, her fucking head would have exploded with the people downstairs.  You can refresh your memories about her here & here.

At the moment, I don't feel the need to call the maintenance line.  But the noise is amazing.  I have not met her yet, I think she's avoiding me.  She hasn't spoken to Maryellen but once.  When she's outside with one of the "gentleman callers" she won't make eye contact with Maryellen but when she's alone, she will.  Maryellen plans to ask her about that.  I like Maryellen, she's a cool cat.  I need to get some of her assertiveness.

I'm trying to think of a name for downstairs.  I'm thinking of calling them the Bang-Bangs.

I'm sure I will have more to write about them once the warmer weather comes.  This could get interesting.


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